Forum Post: Camera = Checkmate
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 31, 2011, 1:23 p.m. EST by FawkesNews
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Cameras catch the hateful faces of police as they lust for violence.
Cameras catch the acts of the police as they beat upon the peaceful and unarmed.
Cameras catch the identity of police officers, so that they cannot hide in a crowd ever again.
No cop wants their face splattered across the world as an asshole. Their family does not want to live in shame and fear of retribution for the rest of their lives.
Cameras are the checkmate to police brutality.
They're not powerful enough to ID cops. Anyone who's ever fired a gun knows you don't accidentally shoot someone in the head, and yet the Oakland cop is still comfortably anonymous. He aimed his gun and fired into a man's head.
"Rubber bullet" is the euphemism from the establishment to make them sound harmless, but they're just regular bullets with a thin coating to prevent deep penetration. If you get shot in the head, penetration doesn't matter. All the energy of the bullet is still absorbed by the skull.
The only one hurt by the Oakland PD actions was the mayor, whose career is probably over. The police are still sitting pretty.
Zoom lenses from a distance. Triangulation. Preparedness. Vigilance.
Just a few ideas.
The cops themselves don't even know who, individually, does the shooting. But they approve!
Again. If protesters organized a detachment of well equipped and prepared photographers to assess and identify all targets before violence occurs, then there will be recorded evidence to assist in the identifying of criminal elements in both the police and the crowd.
police get tougher! Installed soon, a web cam on every officers shoulders. When rocks are thrown, the world will see.
Risk management policies implemented by the police are not for the protection of protesters. The world will see what the media shows them. Nothing more.
I'm posting media right now
I have a camera
Excellent. More like you needed. Can you assist and inspire others?
Record and Report, the world is watching!!!
Expose, disgrace and remove the protection of privacy from perpetrators.
All the cops being bad.
Great info on that site. Thanks. I figure more decent cops will distance themselves from their less honorable peers.
Many less now will say, "Just following orders." or "Rodney King pulled a weapon."
True. That is why extreme diligence is required on the part of all camera-people under any conditions. If military sniper teams could teach camera tactics to protesters there would be far fewer problems with violent police. They would be in fear constantly.
Rodney King pulled a weapon."
that's my concern with people bringing weapons to demonstrations