Forum Post: Calling all Occupy Chapters to form leadership and unity with sister cities
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 1:53 a.m. EST by OccupyAmerica
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Occupy Wallstreet has begun to gather national, and worldwide attention, but as of yet it hasn't garnered the momentum that is needed to truly make an impact. These movements haven't formed the leadership and the solidarity that will force the world to listen. We can change that. Occupy Wallstreet, Boston, Hartford, and every other chapter are simply not enough. We need to occupy America. We must focus our ideas into a single focal point. If we want to stand any chance, our demands must become concise and be spoken with one voice. So I first ask you America, what needs to be fixed? It is true that our nation faces a multitude of problems and that they will not be solved overnight. So let us start right now and demand the equality that we don't just deserve, but that is required for this country to continue to move toward becoming a more perfect Union.
We understand that there will always be the have's and the have-not's but that is never an excuse to deny people basic standards of living. Equality is not just about being allowed to vote, or frequent the same places as others. It is about having the fundamental rights that all citizens of this nation were promised. Two hundred and thirty-five years ago our forefathers started a revolution to ensure the people of this nation would never be denied their God-given rights. “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal.” The men who made this declaration spoke with hypocrisy in their voices, but unknowingly sparked an idea that would change humanity forevermore. Men and women of every nationality and creed, from every corner of this planet have carried the torch of freedom that was set alight by a slave-holding man. But this is, in its very essence, the beauty of our nation. We have progressed so far from the evils that we once perpetrated as a nation. But that does not give us reason to stop now. If anything it should remind us as a country, as a people we still have a long way to go. It is our time to ensure a better future for our children. We must not falter, because that is what they want. The exploitative CEO's and Wallstreet Stocktraders who have taken so much from us, pray each day that this movement fails, that it dies off. We must remind them of the grave mistake they have made. No matter how hard they try and suppress our message, to break up our protests we will not go unheard.
To any who would suppress us; you may have money and even the government on your side, but let us remind you that this government responds to its people, and we outnumber you!
To those who support us; know that we stand at a changing of the guard, that we can and will make the future and anyone who would tell you otherwise is lethargic and will only stand in our way.
To those who would support us but don't know how or are afraid to speak out; I ask you if not us then who? If not now, then when? A single spark of courage was all it took to ignite the flame that we now safeguard. Help us keep it alight so that once more our nation becomes the light that guides the world into a new era of freedom and prosperity. We can change the country and maybe even the world, but first we must be the change we wish to see. Join us and let's take this country back from the greed that has corrupted it.