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Forum Post: Call to action

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 12:22 p.m. EST by MichalP (0)
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What we apparently need is to create fundamentals of the new world order. We do not need political parties; we do need somebody to decide about every aspect of my life without any accountability. Oh, yes I can vote her out of office and elect somebody else who will become entangled in the web of short term interests, lobbyists and greed. That’s where and when corporations have more say in the legislature than us. Our legislators seem to spend most of their energy on fundraising, infighting and marketing the images of party leaders. They do not care what you think and feel after they are elected. We want to have our voice heard 24/7! To run this planet we need long-term policies. We need legislative stability, reflecting the interests of our planet, our nations and our families. We have new representatives over and over and have the same results over and over. What was that definition of insanity?..... We do not need representatives to create new laws. Can we do this ourselves? Yes we can. We are better educated than people in 1787, we get more information about the world, we can communicate better. The emperor is naked. The system does not serve the humankind anymore. So , let’s close our eyes and think what system could work after throwing out the counterproductive parties idea. Isn’t that simple? We need open fora to handle education, health, transport, defense, communications, etc. Each forum should be open to any participants, each participant should have a single voice (not a vote) to participate in defining an issue, developing a solution, considering risks and benefits, and implementing into legislation. We need referenda to reconcile the shape of the fiscal policy: the sources of public funds and the allocation between different activities. Accountable public servants would conduct day-to-day operations, reporting to us. We are uncomfortable, disenchanted, frustrated and outraged with the outcomes of the representative democracy – that’s why we are where we are. Do we need a catastrophe to start thinking?. I think not. We see and feel what is wrong. Now - we have to find how the world actually is. Banks and corporations are not in vacuum. To bring about a long-term change we need an open and honest analysis of the reasons of the problems we have. We need solutions. Let’s do it! MichalP



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