Forum Post: Call on UC Davis chancellor to resign
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 19, 2011, 9:18 p.m. EST by LetsGetReal
from Grants, NM
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Chancellor Katehi has not condemned the pepper spraying.
Katehi phone #: 530-752-2065
I got a message that said the voice mail was full, but maybe she needs a reminder call Monday.
Sunday, 6:45 pm E
NBC reports university head under growing pressure to resign
she resists, places two campus police officers on administrative leave while investigation begins regarding justification for use of pepper spray
petition numbers currently stand at:
She might have been able to save her job had she fired them, and condemned their actions immediately. Nearly 39,000 signatures now.
She is toast, isn't she. Too bad for her. Poor booboo stubbed her toe . . .
I hope so. This incident of excessive force was so blatant, we need to come down hard on it to prevent more of the same or worse.
40,000 and rising
40,366 and they've revised the target to 50,000.
That's 28,000 in 23 hours. I hope it goes way past 250,000.
There was simply no excuse for the way that was handled.
they also replayed iconic images of protesters pepper sprayed, bleeding, and Newt's statement: 'take a bath, get a job.'
That's almost 12,000 so far today, and several hundred just this past half hour.
I will call and offer her a culinary award! creative use of pepper
Its almost 8:30 am eastern, and the number is up to 20,508!
Of course, the target number has been revised upward - I hope it goes over 250,000 by the end of the week.
Heading towards 25,000 now.
of course, that was some of the wimpiest pepper spray, I've seen. Hope no one tries to use that in a crisis. Only mildly discomforted the recipients... see the NY spraying for real impact!
Wow - look at the time stamps
12193 signatures
That's just over two hundred signatures in about 2 minutes
past 15,000 now.
Why? I think they did the right thing.
I've Signed the petition.
Currently 11,988 out of 15,000 signatures sought.
Lets push it over 30,000.
Sheet. Why stop there?
Holy chit! It jumped 12,022 in the short time it took me to fill out the form and hit send!
I'm glad I've stayed up!
We should keep a running tally! And keep this page up front!
50,000 By Monday!!
Nearing 13,000 now.
Yay! The whole world is watching.
Is it her job to condemn it with no investigation or is it her job to give a fair investigation that does not prejudice the decision ahead of the investigation?
--Knave Dave
There are undoubtedly aspects of the incident which require investigation, but whether that officer pepper sprayed peaceful, seated protestors is not one of them. There is no justification for his actions.
You might be right, but, as one who was not there to see the whole thing and who doesn't know the laws involved in this particular location, I'd ask,
1) Were the protestors breaking any laws when they formed a human blockade across what appears to be a public sidewalk?
2) Were they being arrested for breaking those laws?
3) Were they blocking the police from being able to perform their duties?
If the answers to all those questions are "no," then it would appear the officer was wrong. If they people were breaking the law and either resisting arrest (by locking their arms so they could not be cuffed) or were preventing the police from moving forward and doing their duty, then the police have a right to do whatever it takes to break down the resistance so that arrest can be made. They have the right to wrestle people to the ground and force them to submit to arrest. No on has the legal right to resist arrest.
So, that is where I am not sure if the police were outside their rights. On the face of it, I would agree that they were. Even so, I don't think it is the place of the one who is putting together an investigation to prejudice any part of the investigation.
If the people were breaking no laws and were not resisting arrest, then the policeman was wrong and he should be seriously punished, probably fired for what he did. What I notices was that NONE of the other policemen seemed the least bit bothered by what he did, so maybe there was more to the scene than the part we saw. Maybe the police had issued a court order to vacate, and that order was being defied.
If the people are breaking laws, the police are allowed to use what minimal force was necessary to bring the lawbreakers into compliance or arrest them. So, if talking didn't work, then they have to start using some sort of physical force. Wrestling can be dangerous for the police, so they might have chosen to weaken their opponent before trying to wrestle them into being cuffed. The right to free speech is not and never has been the right to break laws or resist arrest.
--Knave Dave
Call on her to give her salary to the students who were pepper-sprayed! Those kids DESERVE full scholarships after that humiliation.