Forum Post: Call NYC pd
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 15, 2011, 11:22 a.m. EST by wizbe
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Just called the NYC police and told them how i disapproved of the actions that happened last night.
feel free to do the same.... get a couple hundred calls in there making it a stressful day on a few employees... may have a cumulative larger effect.
for those of you trashers out there of the 99% yeah.. this might not ACTUALLY doing anything. and no I'm not LAZY... i have a job. But it doesn't mean that i can not be pissed off about a system i was born into.. and that mmy children will be born into. Any one who does not support the movement clearly doesn't know the facts... so learn them people please... for children's sake and yours. Become aware America!