Forum Post: Call John Boehner's Office Now.
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 22, 2011, 6:47 a.m. EST by kphelps
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Call Speaker of the House John Boehner and tell him to pass the Payroll Tax Cut Extension, or Prepare to lose $40 a week out of your paycheck. His number is: Boehner's Phone: (202) 225-0600. I tested the number and it is to his office. Tell him and his crony Tea Partier's to get it done NOW! $40 is my weekly gas money. Tell them to stop being jerks and help the American people.
We need to face the idea that taxes must go up at some point for everyone. Income tax reform to remove deductions, loopholes, and inequities that the rich and corporations employ. As well as a general increase in income tax. Payroll taxes must also go up to improve the financial stability of Social Security. There simply aren't enough rich people to pay for what we want government to do for us.
Boehner will do what he wants for political reasons and try to bargain the extension to get something. Unfortunately most politicians are afraid of the fact that we're going to have to either pay more and/or hand out a lot less.
He will not listen to "common" people. He will only listen to the monied people of our society.
Vote him out of office so he can retire on the taxpayer's dime.
Oh, I almost forgot. Wish the Grinch a Merry Christmas.
WHO? the Ging grinch?
hahahaha. Am I correct when I say that I heard that Boehner had initially agreed to the tax cut extension, etc.. but then changed his mind? It seems to me that the right wing has oppositional disorder and that some of them like Boehner just oppose anything to oppose it whether or not it makes sense or creates a better circumstance for citizens or makes for a better economy. Too many over-inflated egos?
Yes, call him, tell him to NOT cut the Social Security payroll tax which will only be handed to our children as a bill many years from now. Do tell him to end the extension to the unemployment payments and find a bunch of other places to cut.
Stop handing out goodies to get re-elected and start doing the hard job we sent you there for, BALANCE the DAM BUDGET like the rest of us have to do every month.