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Forum Post: Bypassing Wall Street:-Add to OWS' list of Solutions!

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 13, 2011, 5:37 a.m. EST by economicallydiscardedcitizen (761)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Found while trying to find out what happened to Diamondorganics.com gourmet organic foods company. I'm not sure WHEN Drew Fields wrote this but it has to be at least 3 years old and among the most well reasoned arguments coming from an industry professional identifying the problem/s and offering clear solutions!:


(Note: document is in two parts so to view in its entirety you will need to visit the site and click through each section.)

Bypassing Wall Street: The Direct Route to Raising and Investing Money

by Drew Fields

A Few Quotes:

--"We don’t need Wall Street anymore. It’s killing us to let Wall Street keep going the way it is. Our governments won’t help us—Wall Street dominates them. But there is a way around Wall Street. Direct routes are open for individuals and businesses to bypass Wall Street."

-"Wall Street does very little to raise money for businesses. It has become a casino, placing bets for its own account and taking fees on bets for institutional funds and the very wealthy.

Wall Street is not open to investing money for the middle class, except through its managed funds, and it is closed to raising money for all but the biggest businesses.

Wall Street is doing great harm to our economy and our way of life, while its

traffic cops run a protection racket for Wall Street abuses.

Direct routes are open for money to flow between individuals and businesses, bypassing Wall Street.

There are steps government could take to help us bypass Wall Street."



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