Forum Post: Iceland - How To Beat Economic Crisis - Action Against Bankers by Sue Adams
Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 23, 2012, 11:38 p.m. EST by gsw
from Woodbridge Township, NJ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The people of Iceland show the world how to beat the economic crisis. As in so many places in the world, in 2008 Iceland’s economy was on the brink of collapse. But unlike the rest of us, stuck in the EU financial crisis, who, like lame sheep, endure bank bail-outs, government cut backs, re-possessions, business closures, high levels of unemployment and cut back services, the people of Iceland said “No”. The people of Iceland took non-violent action against the powers that were responsible for the failing Icelandic economy. They won the battle against corporate crime.
Here's what happened.
Just like Here, the "Cause of Revolution The commitment of most Americans to republican values and to their property rights helped bring about the American Revolution. Britain was increasingly being seen as corrupt and hostile and that of a threat to the very idea of democracy; a threat to the established liberties that Americans enjoyed and to American property rights.[17] The greatest threat to liberty was thought by many to be corruption—not just in London but at home as well. The colonists associated it with luxury and, especially, inherited aristocracy, which they condemned. ". Wikipedia republicanism
the concept of republican virtue."[19] As virtuous republicans, citizens had a growing moral obligation to eradicate the corruption they saw in the monarchy.[20]
...Republican virtues The colonial intellectual and political leaders in the 1760s and 1770s closely read history to compare governments and their effectiveness of rule.[10] They were especially concerned with the history of liberty in England and were primarily influenced by the "country party" (which opposed the Court Party that held power). Country party relied heavily on the classical republicanism of Roman heritage; it celebrated the ideals of duty and virtuous citizenship in a republic. It drew heavily on ancient Greek city-state and Roman republican examples.[11] The Country party shared some of the political philosophy of Whiggism as well as Tory critics in England which roundly denounced the corruption surrounding the "court" party in London centering on the royal court. This approach produced a political ideology Americans called "republicanism", which was widespread in 1775.[12] "Republicanism was the distinctive political consciousness of the entire Revolutionary generation."[13] J.G.A. Pocock explained the intellectual sources in America:[14] “ The Whig canon and the neo-Harringtonians, John Milton, James Harrington and Sidney, Trenchard, Gordon and Bolingbroke, together with the Greek, Roman, and Renaissance masters of the tradition as far as Montesquieu, formed the authoritative literature of this culture; and its values and concepts were those with which we have grown familiar: a civic and patriot ideal in which the personality was founded in property, perfected in citizenship but perpetually threatened by corruption; government figuring paradoxically as the principal source of corruption and operating through such means as patronage, faction, standing armies (opposed to the ideal of the militia); established churches (opposed to the Puritan and deist modes of American religion); and the promotion of a monied interest—though the formulation of this last concept was somewhat hindered by the keen desire for readily available paper credit common in colonies of settlement.
We have to be willing to go through some pain to get through it. Too many people have preffered to become servants to the banks instead of going through some tough times.
We would make it through. Humanity always does. But you have to question the ability of Americans to go through some tough shit in order to create a better future for the next generation.
Tough times are coming regardless. We can do it on our terms, or we can get forced into it and probably screwed over even harder.
Just say no
Why are we to all bail out the inept congress.
Iceland, Iceland, Iceland. THATS your blueprint? A country of 250000, in a world of 7 billion. If the Emperor's Death Star vaporized Iceland, the wouldnt even be a ripple in the Force. Even Obiwon Kenobi says fuck Iceland, they dont count.
IMF Says Bailouts Iceland-Style Hold Lessons in Crisis Times
Also the american model.
Hopefully amendments: make elections, and politicians, accountable to the people by taking away private PAC funding of elections, make them just use the portion of the money we check when we file taxes. They can appear on PBS to discuss issues in depth.
The world has changed in 236 years. That's the beauty of amendments. term limits.
Give more direct democracy.
The American colonies had been loyal British subjects for decades, but they declared independence from rule under the monarchy in 1776 as a result of their dissatisfaction with lack of representation in the governing parliament overseas, which manifested itself most directly and dramatically through taxation policies that colonists considered a violation of their natural rights. The American Revolution was primarily a civil and political matter at first, but escalated to military engagements in 1775 that were largely complete by 1781. The 1776 United States Declaration of Independence drew upon liberal ideas of unalienable rights to demonstrate the tyranny of the British monarchy, and justify a complete denial of its legitimacy and authority, leading to the creation of a self-determining and sovereign new nation. After the war, the new nation held a Constitutional Convention in 1787 to resolve the problems stemming from the first attempt at a confederated national government under the Articles of Confederation. The resulting Constitution of the United States settled on a republic with a federal structure. The United States Bill of Rights quickly followed in 1789, which guaranteed certain natural rights fundamental to liberal ideals