Forum Post: Buy One Politician Get One Free
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 5:30 a.m. EST by Revolverwinds
from Thorndike, ME
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I wrote this several months back, and I feel it belongs here with Occupy Wallstreet.
------------Buy One Politician Get One Free------------------ (a polemic)
Voting is the first democratic method. Revolution is the second...
Obedient to all idiocy, legislation is now passed on the back of dollar bills----signed by congress, and minted by the banks. Palette-swap presidents of red and blue replace one another interchangeably, entering and leaving the White House on the same conveyor belts that shelve store inventory.
Deified puppets, granted governance, have gambled man's fate and rolled snake eyes. The fingers that fasten the world have never held an infant, strummed an instrument or changed a bulb, but they proceed to exchange lives and money with sleight of hand. Honest men world wide are choked into silence by what America the Brave calls Wonder Woman's 'Lasso of Truth'.
Proliferating cameras of a future police state provide peripheral vision to the corruption. Curiously gazing at the citizenry below the black lenses monitor the public with arachnid appetite. Their windowless eye, and cobalt iris reflecting an insects' humanity.
With mediocrity made reign few step to oppose this rising order. Votes are cast, and the ballets flushed. The true poll number ensconced in the subterranean abyss of a broken system. For those satisfied in continuing in this fashion, congratulations, the Whore of Babylon extends her dildo specter and beknights you a Wal-Mart shopper for life.
To those observant of the air pockets enveloping the human psyche.
Who are discontent with empowering the heirs of the Republican and Democrat dynasties with our collective destiny.
That realize the propagandic efforts to the indoctrinate people not to an idea---but a lack of ideas.
And despise that corporate servitude is the rightful culmination of human progress.
Let us pursue the recourse of activism and restore in concerted effort a truly judicial and democratic state. If that fails, at least we will have pursued the path of intensity, alertness and natural impulse.
I liked the dildo specter.
it was very powerful in part, strange in other. just how it should be :)