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Forum Post: Bush Administration Gets Sued!

Posted 10 years ago on July 27, 2014, 7:48 p.m. EST by shoozTroll (17632)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

At long last the truth "might" get it's day in court.

I hope they call in Chirac as a witness.

I want to hear the defense of this remark.

" a U.S. invasion of Iraq is “willed by God” and that “Gog and Magog are at work in the Middle East.”






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[-] 3 points by Renneye (3874) 10 years ago

Huh?? Wtf happened to this thread?













[-] 2 points by beautifulworld (23828) 10 years ago

Very unfair of you to point the finger at anyone at all.

[-] 2 points by Renneye (3874) 10 years ago

But, it's not that simple. He got the 404, too.

[-] 2 points by Renneye (3874) 10 years ago

Just think about it for a minute. If Shadz was the culprit, he wouldn't be so stupid as to give himself a bunch of points that would point to him and give himself away.

Just because his opinion differs from the other three, doesn't mean he doesn't love this forum and humanity just as much as the others do. It's not him.


[-] 2 points by Renneye (3874) 10 years ago

Shadz' username is a 404 message when I click on it, too.


[-] 1 points by Renneye (3874) 10 years ago

[-] 2 points by DKA4today (43) from Coon Rapids, MN 0 minutes ago Would help to answer a few question - IF - the REAL admin ever took a moment to look in and comment - Hey?

Bingo! Yes, therein lies the crux, doesn't it. It is ultimately Jart's forum and responsibility should dictate that she communicates regularly. At the very least, let us know that she has gotten the message when something is wrong and is working on it. It just doesn't happen. Is it any wonder people here get weary?

[-] 2 points by beautifulworld (23828) 10 years ago



Contact jart in one of the above ways, is the best thing anyone can do. I personally do not think this is any of us regulars, so how about all being friends about it and getting the forum cleaned up?

[-] 1 points by Renneye (3874) 10 years ago

Thanks bw! Funny, I just posted a similar thing before I saw your post.

Yes, Jart needs to see an influx of posts from the regulars. I usually get better results when I PM her username.

Thanks for the peaceful message.

[-] 1 points by Renneye (3874) 10 years ago

[-] 0 points by 99nproud (1640) 6 minutes ago

So you acknowledge that the evidence points to him but suggest that it proves he didn't do it.?

I don't think it is stupid to assume no one would notice his point jump.

I really do not know who is responsible. Evidence points to the one who benefits.

Is he your friend?

How does Shadz benefit by being made to look like the culprit?

You've made quite the assumption based on zero evidence. With your logic I could just as easily say that you did, based on nothing more than you were here at the time.

Is Shadz my friend? Well, I would hope so. I'm friends with just about everyone here, including you...stupe.

Smarten up. I don't imagine the attacker is anyone who is regularly seen here. We should be banding together to save the forum, not letting this make us start to point fingers. Hopefully, Jart will find the attacker and share that information with us.

[-] 2 points by Renneye (3874) 10 years ago

Lovely. :-(












