Forum Post: Bunch of damn hypocrits
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 15, 2011, 1:25 p.m. EST by scumgohome
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I was kicked by OWS protesters from their chat because I had a different opinion. Yet these whiny bitches cry for equality. I'm glad NYPD rolled over Zuccati and I'm sad that they didn't kill one of you dumb ass pieces of trash. And it's also too bad that ex-cop didn't beat the shit out of the piece of trash he dragged outside for being a communist piece of shit.
Did I say I was for the tea party, bitches? No! I said you were some crybaby ass hypocrits. I supported you clowns at first but you lost sight of what you were protesting for and just started protesting to be protesting. So go the fuck home, get a job at wal-mart or mcdonalds or at least burger king and kwitcherbitchin
Mr fowl language do you like your congressperson being allowed to use inside information to take part in insider trading for profit. You love FOX NEWS because a twisted hate campaign makes you happy. You are not the majority. You are the ignorant. You are a pawn in their game! After all Murdoch News Corp has been so good for the world! Your hate is proving a point. The Koch brother Performance Art Project Herman Cain is barely one level above Sandusky. hate will get you nowhere. But I have been wondering is this a reborn communist party. Sure smells the same.
Nice Try!
Call the Koch Brothers they are still hiring. I hear they need help with the Iran sales.
yes, you can say whatever you want as long as you agree with me. :)
waaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh I got banned from a chat room=commies are taking over america! lololol
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh I got banned from a park=commies are taking over America lololo
Tea Party idiot spitting hate. This is what I am talking about. They are trying to provoke you into violence. Many of these people are paid to provoke. Expose it! Use it against them! How many of the real American citizens do you think would support a comment like this. Use this to our advantage. These are the comments of those who think Money is the equivalent to speech. These are the ignorant. This is the Koch Brothers and Norquist paid employees and friends type. We need to use these comments against them. Rise above the game. TEA PARTY I SAY CHECKMATE! BIGOTS I SAY CHECKMATE!
where do i sign to get my check?
was that angry guy tea party?