Forum Post: This web site is a scam- News Article--From Those Inside Of Central Booking--occupywallstreet website is full of bull crap
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 16, 2011, 7:52 p.m. EST by USCitizenVoter
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Bull Crap --From Those Inside Of Central Booking-- Now for the first time I am questioning the integrity of this web site. I'm sorry but I'm having a difficult time believing this post. The cops know that they are being watched so I think you are being tricked. Please prove this to all of the members of this site since you posted it.
Have you ever been to NYC's central booking?
occupywallstreet you don't have a clue how to debate with our government. our government is not scared of occupy. grow up. you people need some training, how about three years in the marine corp so you can grow some hair on your chest. you boys and girls need some real life experiences to fall back on. so far you haven't had to swim to the other side or die. life and death situations are much different from where you are today just ask any Egyptian. now keep on protesting and ask to meet with the governor. if the governor turns you down then go protest in front of his house for a meeting with him. that will get the press involved.
By labelling the Occupy movement "anti-capitalist", those who do not want reforms have been able to avoid the real debate. This has to stop. It is time we use the Occupy movement as the catalyst for a serious debate on alternative institutional arrangements that will make our capitalism better for the majority of people
bread and water urgent medical conditions
Is that a yes or a no?
They give out nasty bologna sandwiches. Maybe by "bread" they mean that was the only thing edible. (Esp if vegan but even if not, rancid bologna is rancid).
And that's actually not the worst thing.
Nasty, crowded, dirty, smelly.
Yeah .... It's bullshit.
They at least give you bologna sandwiches to eat. They are not great, but it's something.
The cells are dirty though. But they can't be much dirtier than the filth that used to be Zuccotti Park.
Now for the first time I am questioning the integrity of this web site. I'm sorry but I'm having a difficult time believing this post. The cops know that they are being watched so I think you are being tricked. Please prove this to all of the members of this site since you posted it.
From Those Inside Of Central Booking Posted 2 hours ago on Nov. 16, 2011, 5:24 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
While we've been imprisoned here we've held Assemblies and Mic Checked corrections officers to attend to urgent medical conditions, some of which were the result of police brutality during the raids. There is no food except for bread, no cleanliness, no hygene, no waters, no showers. There are non-occupiers who are suffering here as well.
We do not know what we have been charged with.
We want freedom!
This message was consensed upon by a group of occupiers imprisoned by Billionare Michael Bloomberg and his private army, and relayed to members of the Legal Working Group of #ows.
Yeah, I'm not buying it either. Bunch of Drama Queens.