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Forum Post: Build a meritocracy

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 5, 2011, 10:31 p.m. EST by MichaelMoosman (48) from Murray, UT
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Instead of building a democracy where people are elected by popularity, why not build a meritocracy where people are selected objectively based on their proven ability to make good decisions.

There would still need to be seperation of powers, term limits, transparancy, and the ability of a majority of people to veto.



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[-] 1 points by EricBlair (447) 13 years ago

Administering a task which requires technical or other expertise is an appropriate area for meritocracy. The functioning of society is not. Not only is determining which "merit" it is that will decide who rules problematic, but whatever entity is entrusted to measuring this supposed merit given a great deal of power. Looking at examples of supposed "meritocracies" show that it is a myth--- nothing more than a rationalization for cronyism and privilege. Furthermore, supposing it were practical to establish a meritocratic society, doesn't mean it is desirable. Democracy is rule of the people because only the people have the RIGHT to do so. Even if the decisions we make are bad or inefficient, they are our mistakes to make. Its our right.

I do think we could stand to introduce meritocracy into more areas though. If our economic system were meritocratic it would also be more egalitarian. If wealth where distributed on the basis of hard work and contribution to society, then parasites like Paris Hilton or the banksters on Wall Street wouldn't be able to leech off the productive people in society and concentrate wealth in the top .01%

[-] 1 points by ARod1993 (2420) 13 years ago

Here's the thing with that; government by experts is nice but risky. I'd have to hear far more about your proposal before I'd be able to comment on it one way or the other. That said, I feel like no matter what we need to teach all of our kids critical thinking and logic on the one hand, and history, political science, and economics on the other hand. If you can successfully do that you'll wind up with a country of intelligent, knowledgeable people who won't be swayed by fearmongering and scapegoating.