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Forum Post: brother can you spare a dime

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 11:35 p.m. EST by freethepeople (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Helping the middle class starts in DC. We need to take the problem to the people for they are the only ones that can solve the problems that are created in washington. My great grandfather told me there was a time in his life brother can you spare a dime. but I was too young to know what he meant. Know I know what the great depression looked like.



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[-] 1 points by RichardGates (1529) 13 years ago

well feel free to launch an OWS campaign in DC, i think they already have one actually that you could attend. but thats not what you want is it. you're redirecting. you guys are so obvious. you all have capitalism, america, or freedom in your names. draping yourself in the flag to add weight to your statements.

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

It is utterly impossible to imagine the entire USA could see the pictures of thousands of steel beams that were cut and blasted in all directions from the towers and that the towers fell straight into its own basement without knowing there had to be a conspiracy to rig the explosives. The entire crime was filmed. No person in their right mind could believe that jet fuel fires could cut steel beams. Only an entire country of numb skulls could ignore the conspiracy by Bush and our government to use 9/11 to start 2 wars.

The USA is an entire country of numbskulls especially all those sitting in the park hoping to change things while they cover up the bribes that caused the problem.

[-] 1 points by CapitalismRulesPeriod (160) 13 years ago

that's because it happened in new york you idiot there are cameras everywhere it is pretty obvious by actual facts that the twin towers were attacked by TERRORISTS

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Now I see, he's a right wing wacko.

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Look at the explosions. http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

No shit. Bush used them for his false flag.

Only an idiot like you would believe a jet fuel fire could cut steel beams and blast them hundreds of feet from the towers. Did you ever hear of gravity you moron. Bush got 40 PDB warnings dumb ass.

[-] 1 points by CapitalismRulesPeriod (160) 13 years ago

that would probably have to be the giant jet aircraft that came with the fire, then the fuel tank from plane explodes to launch the beams. I'm pretty sure millions would disagree with your conspiracy theory.

[-] 2 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

308,000,000 sheep being slaughtered sitting in p;arks with signs hoping the crooks will be nice to all you.

Obama and your congress you elected might throw you a few crumbs to quiet you down. It took 10 years to get you sheep angry. Sitting in a park for 4 weeks is dumb.


Bush, Ashcroft etc are enemy combatants for their orders to rig the explosives that brought down the towers. I can show and explain the evidence they left and was filmed. To continue ignoring 911 is off the charts -- stupid and ignorant.

[-] 1 points by CapitalismRulesPeriod (160) 13 years ago

actually i didn't vote for obama

[-] 2 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Dumb. The explosions were an hour after the planes hit. The problem is Americans are in a deep trance that prevents coherent thoughts. They are all manipulated. Clear thinking people see your trance. There are less than 1,000,000 who aren't in a trance.

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Try 300,000,000 would disagree. They are all in the propaganda trance with you. You all accept absurd nonsense. Which side would it launch the beams from? A perfect simultaneous explosions made all 3 towers drop straight.

Only idiots could believe 2 jets could cut beams an hour later and blast them in all directions simultaneously.

[-] 1 points by patriot4change (818) 13 years ago

Dick: "OK, G-W, here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna drop them twin towers in New York... and make it look like it was a terrorist attack."

G-W: "Won't that kill a lot of people, Dick?"

Dick: "Yeah, yeah. Mostly just Jews... Bankers... no one cares about them."

G-W: "So, why we gonna do this, Dick? Is my daddy OK with this?"

Dick: "Hell, G-W, your daddy helped plan the god-damn thing. So, listen up. When the people think we've been attacked by terrorists... they'll be spittin' mad I tell you. Spittin' mad. So they're gonna want revenge. They're gonna want us to do something about it."

G-W: "Yeah, me too. What are we gonna do about it, Dick? Who exactly are these terrorists we are mad at, Dick?"

Dick: "Well, we're gonna go kick some ass in Iraq. You remember Saddam Hussein?"

G-W: "That son-bitch tried to kill my daddy!"

Dick: That's right, G-W. And we're gonna go get'em. This time we're gonna get'em for good."

G-W: "OK, Dick. Count me in."

Dick: "Don't worry. Your big speech has already been written. It's gonna make you look like a hero... once this all takes place."

G-W: "I always wanted to be a hero, Dick."

Dick: "Well, not so fast little man. After Iraq, we're gonna go to war with Afghanistan... and maybe Iran. And we're gonna blame the whole god-damn thing on Osama bin-Laden."

G-W: "Hey, now wait a minute, Dick. My family is close personal friends with the bin-Laden family. And I don't like the idea of...."

Dick: "Shut the fuck up for a second, G-W. I said we're gonna blame Osama bin-Laden. I didn't say we're gonna really do anything to the poor bastard. Besides, he knows all about this plan. He's in on the whole thing too."

G-W: "This is makin' my head spin, Dick. Did I miss the meetings on this? Exactly, why are we doing all this anyway?"

Dick: "Your as blind as a bat, G-W. God bless you though. That's what I like about you. You'd eat a horse turd and call it a well-done steak."

G-W: "Thanks, Dick. But why's all this gonna happen?"

Dick: "Alright. I'm gonna tell you this one time... and then I don't want you askin' any more questions. Got it?"

G-W: "OK, Dick. I'm all ears."

Dick: "The American people are gonna be so fired up about all the war and shit... you know, in Iraq and Afghanistan, that they won't see what's comin'. Hell, they won't know what hit'em."

G-W: "What's that Dick. What's gonna hit'em."

Dick: "We're gonna collapse the whole god-damn Economy. Make it look like all the Companies and Banks are going down the shitter. Then, we're gonna get you to Bail'em all out.. you know... save the day. It's that hero shit all over again."

G-W: "Wow. I'm gonna be a bigger hero than George Washington, Dick."

Dick: "That's why we call you G-W, G-W. You're gonna be bigger than George Washington. People are gonna say G-W is bigger and badder than George fuckin' Washington."

G-W: "I like the sound of this, Dick. I'm startin' to really like the sound of all this. So, what did you mean when you said we're gonna Bail-out all the Banks and Corporations, Dick?"

Dick: "Well, when the shit hits the fan, and after we kicked-off them two wars lickity-split, we'll get you to take all the money we have and dole it out to the Banks and Corporations... you know... the big-wigs who are all friends of your daddy."

G-W: "Oh, now I get it. That's why my daddy wants to bomb them twin towers... and start them wars... he's gonna get ol' Saddam Husein... and then he's gonna pay all his buddies back for helpin' me to be President."

Dick: "Yeah, somethin' like that. But it's a little bigger than that, G-W. After we get that idiot Bernanke to print all the money he can... and we make the rich even richer... we're gonna put the Federal Reserve and the Treasury in control of everything?"

G-W: "Why we gonna do that, Dick?"

Dick: "Because we'll finally succeed in making the little guy in this Country not have a leg to stand on. By the time they realize what has happened, the average American will be bankrupt and powerless. And me and you and all your daddy's friends will have all the money."

G-W: "Fine by me, Dick. First they say they are for me... then the polls say that they are against me... I don't like those little people anymore. I say, 'screw-em', Dick."

Dick: "Now you're talkin', G-W. A chip off the ol' block."

G-W: "And a hero, Dick. Don't forget... I'm gonna be a hero."

Dick: "That's right, my boy. Thaaaat'sssss, right."