Forum Post: Broken
Posted 6 years ago on July 4, 2018, 10:38 a.m. EST by agkaiser
from Fredericksburg, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Capitalism: an economic system that allows 90%+ of the population to be born, live and die in debt; it is a broken and dysfunctional culture.
Micah White of Occupy Wall St. says the time has come:
"This is a sincere call for an American Revolution against the decadent, vile kleptocrats that are driving our nation into the ground. Compromised demagogues, sinister bankers, perverted analyticos... A cabal of compulsive liars has turned America, the pioneer of modern democracy, into a decaying state whose President is a puppet of a foreign regime. Meanwhile, the opulent 1% are sucking the 99% dry even as they push us, debt-ridden and screen-addicted, over the precipice. Only an insurrection against their cruel misrule can save us now...."
Everyone should read the entire rant.
"... In the 18th century, America's forefathers were in a similar situation as we are today. They also sought justification to wage a rebellion against a despotic empire that claimed to be their rightful government. They knew that what they intended to do was illegal from the King's perspective, but they found solace in a higher law, a universal law that takes priority over temporal authority...."
Consider:''A Public Bank for Los Angeles? City Council Puts It to the Voters''by Ellen Brown
radix omnia malorum est cupiditas ...
The current regime is propped up by the Stock Market Ponzi.
Some might quibble that the fraud is not technically a Ponzi but no one in their right mind can say it's not a fraud!