Forum Post: Bringing the movement to Capitol Hill
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 2:05 p.m. EST by LobbyDemocracy
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
To implement change we are going to need to be heard by our elected leaders on Capitol Hill. The voices of the majority need to overpower the $3.5 billion dollars that was spent by the lobbying industry last year. The glory of it, however, is that we do not need to do it with money. Votes are the true currency of Capitol Hill and we can bring the votes. To help organize this shift to Capitol Hill I am founding a lobbying organization dedicated to represent the interests of the majority. We will poll our membership to determine what issues the organization will represent. Any issue that 65% of membership either supports or opposes, we will contact every elected leader whose constituents are aligned with the national polling data. The process will serve two functions. It will take it an amorphous movement and give it direction. Secondly, it will provide us with the data to support our demands. We will have statistics to support the claim to representing the interests of the 99%. If you are interested please visit and make your voice heard. If you like the idea, please make that clear here so that we can rise to the top of the list and others can here about it as well. If you have questions or comments feel free either to post them here or contact me through the contact us section on the website.