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Forum Post: “Brick” Santorum?

Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 10, 2012, 1:07 p.m. EST by WatTyler (263)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Whenever I hear a Santorum sound bite, I am struck by the uncanny similarity between him and the character Brick Tamlan –


And this is “Brick” Santorum explaining how Palestinians are really Mexicans –


And this is an unedited version of Santorum –




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[-] 3 points by beautifulworld (23828) 13 years ago

Very funny. Thank you. Bizarre buffoonery! What a weirdo!

[-] 1 points by WatTyler (263) 13 years ago

Glad you like it.

[-] 1 points by WatTyler (263) 13 years ago

You are welcome, glad you enjoyed it!

[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

'WT' : You may be interested in :

pax et lux ...

[-] 3 points by WatTyler (263) 13 years ago

Thanks for the link with the succinct but detailed summary of Santorum’s positions. Among a field of Republican candidates, most of whom are simultaneously comical and frightening, Santorum offends me most. My opinion of him is that he is a not overly bright corporate sock puppet who will say anything and take any position for perceived political advantage. The last sound bite I caught of him on TV news amounted to, “Don’t vote for Obama (Perhaps desirable for other reasons.) because he’s not dumb like us.” Disgusting!

[-] 3 points by freewriterguy (882) 13 years ago

LMAO, that was fricking hilarious! dam creative too. touche and thumbs up.

[-] 3 points by WatTyler (263) 13 years ago

Thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed it. I think humor is an essential and often over looked tool for highlighting the banality of evil, and how many of its practitioners are, in equal parts, both sinister and silly. It’s hard to be taken seriously if everyone is laughing at you. The corporatists employ this concept as a prominent tactic. We usually don’t, attempting to rely on anger and indignation when a lighter hand might yield more fruit. At their core, I find little sillier than the corporatists, their stooges and their arguments. We should allow them to enjoy the ridicule and contempt they so deserve.

[-] 1 points by freewriterguy (882) 13 years ago

wow, what a pleasure for me to hear your words, you sound like you migbt be college edumacated. yuck yuck yuck. LOL

[-] 1 points by JoeTheFarmer (2654) 13 years ago

He is such an ass.
He reminds of that know it all kid that was really annoying in high school.

[-] 1 points by MaryS (529) 13 years ago

I think Rick looks exactly like the emcee guy in "Little Miss Sunshine" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12WMNjVR3SY

[-] 1 points by ineptcongress (648) 13 years ago

who could ruin the country fastest? santorum. romney or newt??

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 13 years ago

I know, I know.

George W. bush!!!!!

He did it fastest and bestest. Slammed it "right" into a wall, he did.

Now his cohorts want to blame anybody but him.

[-] 1 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

Q : "who could ruin the country fastest ?"

A : 'SantoRomNewt' !

verum ex absurdo ...