Forum Post: *Breaking News* GA internal circle paying themselves a stipend
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 24, 2011, 10:34 a.m. EST by Rob
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Open the books, take a look, and you will see a crook. You have been played.
Rob, thou doth protest too much, stop projecting your fantasies about the crimes you have committed or about to commit on others. Just because you think something does not make it real. When you provide forensic proof you may be believed. Until then accept the reality that your lie is only accepted by your fellow liars.
If you can provide the financial statements I will show the proof.
so you make a claim with no evidence, then ask someone else to provide evidence. thats lawyer material there.
It can easily be proved or disproved, just make the records public. It eally is not asking too much, is it? Whenever you start and organization one of the first orders of business is the financials, the treasury. OWS had the forethought to start a website and collect donations, they also collect cash on the streets (hard to account for cash, you know) Somewhere there MUST be a ledger tracking payables and receivables. It has been 5 weeks and th lack of transparency is disturbing. If this were a corporation they would be under investigation and OWS would be pointing fingers and doing a Mic Check denouncing the activities. Double standards can destroy anything.
ah. you mean regulations? you're demanding they be regulated?
yes, an oversight commitee...accountability.
Just like you Rob, I can't provide anything because I'm not physically there and in possession of any documents. I'm not proclaiming their innocence, I'm just accusing you of lying and nothing you've typed on this useless post has done anything to prove your innocence. I don't have to prove you guilty, just as you don't believe you have to prove your lie. You have to prove yourself innocent, just as you demand that those you accuse must prove themselves innocent. What applies to them, applies to you.
There is only one way to prove who is telling the truth and who is not, but those with the ability to so (GA) have not released what should be public information. They (GA) are no better, or worse than, those they are protesting.
I can only say that not only to I hope you get what you ask for, I hope you get what you deserve.
what is it that I deserve?
Anyone can say anything on this board. There is no accountability. The occupation is taking place in the REAL WORLD not on this board where people can spread lies and mis-information.
Assertions are not facts. Accusations are not proof. Liars are Liars Rob.
You have to recognize the strings that come with these outsized donations. It is a shock to our system. First, there had better be an honest accounting of where all this money goes. It is going to require a plan, even if that is not to spend any of it for now. I mean, did we think the protest was going to be bankrolled? I say let it collect, no one gets reimbursed for their sacrifice!
Nobody has been anything. Let's wait till someone looks at how that $$ ( if it exists @ all) is being handled. Right now it's a rumor and a right wing smear that someone is wasting it on personal stuff etc.
Not a rumor at all, but you are so jaded by OWS that you refuse to see that human nature is corrupt. Sorry to burst your bubble, but there is no Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, or Tooth Fairy. Time for a Mic Check?
I don't feel that human nature is corrupt. Our culture has placed its values in material things, and consider success to be having more than the next guy. As a result of misplaced values people strive to be "successful" as defined by our society, and desire social status. They desire social status in order to feel more important and respected. I think it is human nature to want to be respected. I did once feel the way you do, that human nature is corrupt, however, I believe now that there is more to it. Nature & Nurture
It is a rumor when you make an assertion without any proof.
You have a pretty cynical view of human nature pal. Not everybody is corrupt.
Power corrupts. I have lived a long life and seen the most honest of people fall. That is not cynical, that is life experience.
I'm also no youngster and I don't disagree that power has a corrupting effect, but its by degree. But, you said its human nature and I disagree. I believe its more a function of how a person has learned to handle power. Most haven't and handle it poorly.
Again, don't give a fuck if the "Facilitators Working Group" is spending all the OWS money on hookers, crank and long shot bets at the dog track. It's not relevant.
Gonna be occupying wall street eight days a week.
Yeah, and I don't give a crap if our congressmen and corporate executives are spending their money on yachts and million dollar homes. They're our leaders! Leading is hard! They deserve perks...
(that's what you're saying, right?)
Yeah, because an elected Congressman is the exact same thing as a self-appointed member of a protest working group that no one pays any attention to.
Not relevant. Ok.
is food free at OWS ?
And If true, this will be the PERFECT opportunity to illustrate for people the difference between crony capitalism, and true free market capitalism. By that i mean that the movement can benefit by using such a situation to learn what crony capitalism is vs free market capitalism.