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Forum Post: break the spell - turn off the news, how to tell your neighbor

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 31, 2011, 8:46 p.m. EST by ConcernedCitizen42 (23)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

There's a lot great discussion about how to solve the various problems of financial system, the corporate-government, etc.

But, the first goal that we must focus our energy on, is to get the message out and through to the majority of the 99%.

We, the Occupy protesters around the country, want to represent the 99%, but the painful truth is that THE MAJORITY OF THE 99% HAVEN'T GOT IT YET.. they're still watching the mainstream news and are getting the watered-down version. I haven't seen any of the major newscasters yet refer to occupywallst.org as a source of information about the movement, why? because they want to control the narrative!

So next time you talk to your neighbor, co-worker, friend or relative.. be sure to tell them "I don't really watch the mainstream news that much anymore, I feel I get more depth and detail online - on youtube and therealnews.com". Don't push too hard.

take a walk at night, put up a sign on the corner ("turn off the news, google OWS!")


take care!



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[-] 1 points by AZvotenow (44) 13 years ago

Take ON to the neighborhoods all across the city. Set dates and encourage utube-rs and facebookers, tweeter to gather. Be sure they have a message that applies to parents and grandparents. Like that lost job, knowing you are going to loose your job, lost your savings, lost your retirement savings, without health care.......how many can we list.

[-] 0 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

GREAT suggestion on a very important topic. Most Americans are still brainwashed by MSM news, still hypnotized by the "boob tube". And that is a definite hindrance to the growth of the OWS Movement.

TV is, in effect, "the opium of the people"!

"Turn off the TV" recommends the Dalai Lama to his American audiences, smiling broadly.

99% of American TV programming is basically part of a MASS EXPERIMENT IN COLLECTIVE CRETINIZATION unparalleled in human history. When that realization finally dawned upon me last year, I cancelled cable... and have never looked back since.

In fact... I celebrate my decision every day 'cause I GOT MY LIFE BACK!!! I began to exercise, lost 30 pounds, wrote a book...

99% of TV programming is an ASSAULT ON THE MIND AND ON THE SOUL. The FREEDOM TO CRETINIZE is not, to my knowledge, one of the basic human rights... I hope that in the New America, shows like "Jerry Springer", that wound the national psyche, will be banned outright. I know... many will scream: "What about freedom of speech"???

I have always fought for freedom of speech and always will. But that freedom was NEVER absolute - nor should it be. Incitement to violence or hatred, for example, are forbidden by laws all over the civilized world. The active promotion of CRETINISM should be similarly banned. The dumbing-down of America must stop !