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Forum Post: Brave & Wonderful Job OWS...here's another consideration

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 12:46 p.m. EST by pameno (4)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

OWS: Please consider what I witnessed and participated in during the 60's; a consolidated effort on the Capital. Embracing and trying to incorporate the Truckers and transit unions. THIS would affect those that have given the power to Wall Street...THE CONGRESS! Shut down the beltway, make those arrogant elected officials understand the voice of the people who they wish to ignore. During the 70's, on the issue of price increase of gasoline, the TRUCKERS really put a kink into things in D.C. and across the Nation. I would recommend getting with Jimmy Hoffa, Jr. and working in concert on a coorinated effort. I wish my health was better, I'd be out there once again to GIVE 'EM HELL! I'm with you and so are my prayers.



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[-] 1 points by pameno (4) 13 years ago

However, a coordinated and consolidated effort with truckers and OWS upon D.C. would REALLY get the attention of Congress with a historical event that would definately remain through elections. You have to admit, if 'they' (Congress) couldn't be bought off, we wouldn't be in this situation. Afterall, D.C. IS the heart of the regulations. It's worthy of serious consideration.

[-] 1 points by tomcat68 (298) 13 years ago

ahhh if it were only the 60s again and Unions were the answer :)

Todays Unions only cut the legs off American businesses with uncompetitive labor costs while the Democrats hold up the torso. Unless businesses don't make a campaign donation in which case Democrats cut off the Head with more taxes.

getting with Hoffa Jr. would be the straw that broke the OWS back
