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Forum Post: BP leases 5 southern state governments for 18 billion and 18 years

Posted 9 years ago on July 2, 2015, 1:14 p.m. EST by MattHolck0 (3867)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

cynics believe the southern land fuel will be depleted after the completion of BP contract



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[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

We all know that Citizens United must be overturned—but did you know that there is a simple thing President Obama could do to help mitigate a big part of the damage?

Will you call the President, and urge him to sign an executive order—requiring all corporations who contract with the federal government to disclose their campaign spending?

The White House switchboard number is 1-855-980-5638, and you can leave the following message:

For the Fourth of July, the President should declare our government’s independence from dark money by signing an executive order requiring federal contractors to disclose their political spending.

After completing the call, please fill out the questionnaire and let us know how it went.

Can’t make a phone call? Please send the President an e-mail by clicking here.

Because of Citizens United, corporations that receive government contracts can secretly funnel billions to elect (and re-elect) the same politicians who award these contracts.

With the stroke of a pen, President can sign an executive order requiring all companies who receive federal government contracts to disclose their campaign spending.

Please call the White House switchboard 1-855-980-5638 and leave the following message:

For the Fourth of July, the President should declare our government’s independence from dark money by signing an executive order requiring federal contractors to disclose their political spending.

After completing the call, please fill out the questionnaire and let us know how it went.

Can’t make a phone call? Please send the President an e-mail by clicking here.

Keep fighting, Paul Hogarth, Daily Kos

[-] -1 points by MattHolck0 (3867) 9 years ago

citizen's united is pissing in the rain

BIG MONEY Determine our jobs by deciding how money will be injected into the economy

our lives are determined by big business a lot more closely than just the representatives in washington

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

Big business gets it's power through the purchase of government.

You do understand that - don't you?

Those purchased or rented representatives in government do pass the legislation that supports them.

You do understand that - don't you?

The citizens united decision allows unlimited purchasing power of government.

You do understand that - don't you?

[-] -1 points by MattHolck0 (3867) 9 years ago

big money controls big media

the news support the established big parties

let's not pretend money is transparent or balanced

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

No shit!

[-] 0 points by MattHolck0 (3867) 9 years ago

Its based on the idea that money isn't relative when money can be created by some from nothing