Forum Post: Boycott "Russia Today", due to Russian election fraud..
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 8, 2011, 11:50 p.m. EST by bohratom
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I know alot of people in ows like but our ows friends in Russia are being silenced by the Putin run "Russia Today" will not cover the election fraud and instead just reports the Krelmin view of the elections. They have become the mouthpiece of Putin.
We must end this now, support our Russian Brothers, boycott
Yes, Russia Today is very pro Occupy, covers dissident opinion and gives hidden information here. Bless it, don't boycott it.
Who are these Russian Friends? Hillary Clinton talks about election fraud in Russia when we had two consecutive stolen elections in this century. Thefts that were not protested, by anyone who could penetrate the MSM. After several months Keith Olbermann gave it a couple of minutes. We here are not in any position to give lessons in democracy. We have a duly elected governor of a major state, Rod Blagojevich not only ousted (as was another governor named Spitzer) but sent to prison for 14 years for doing what any politician who is not Michael Bloomberg or Jon Corzine must to to run for major political office - trade campaign finances for access and favors. Everyone knows that Spitzer made a stupid mistake but he was going after Wall Street! Blagojevich was going after Bank of America and Big Pharma! He has to tell his little kids why he is going to prison!
I was listening to BBC not many hours ago. One of these "dissidents" was talking about overthrowing the government. You try that here!