Forum Post: Boycott instead of Protest?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 8:41 p.m. EST by stanklem28
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Businesses bought out our government, and they're doing this with the money YOU paid them for their Iphones, video games, cars, computers, etc. It's your fault. Start acting towards change, and stop crying!
I am against rich folks, and yet I carry their products around with me on a protest against them...unfathomable...
They take out 'dead pesant' insurance against us, why not 'dead billionaire' insureance?
Because those "billionaires" are your farmers. You're their cattle. People know you don't kill and exploit farmers, you kill and exploit cattles! Except these cattles can think! Which make them all the more valuable in terms of disposable assets.
We have to boycott but it has to be some kind of vote on what to boycott cause you will get someone who has a grudge take it out on the wrong company. Somone has to find the right company to do it to so alot of americans don't lose their jobs.
Still, you can't hurt a global company just only having boycotts in America.
This is big, it's bigger than America. It's worldwide.
I agree I don't want to see anyone lose their job anywhere.
I don't actually think boycotting will work. All it will do is force businesses to scale back production, reduce their labor force, increase prices, and cut even more corners. The CEOs will still be getting their ridiculous salaries and bonuses. The only people who will suffer from a boycott are employees and consumers. And businesses will always find someone to buy their products. The companies you boycott in the U.S. will just move their business to China or India.
Exactly. Only a global boycott can stop them. It's like 1 ant colony against a human that owns a farm under which thousands of ant colonies are positioned.
As one colony, you will only annoy the human, but as a collective of ant colonies, you CAN WIN!
Also note that I chose ants for the analogy. When have ants ever worked together? fire ants and black ants? Never...
consumerism is a distraction
When has it ever not been?
Boycott is the only way to bring lasting change. It shifts the balance of power, as corporations need us to survive and to do what they do.
Exactly. It's like your food. If they keep feeding you, you wouldn't know what's wrong. It's when they stop coming on your table that you know something's up!!!
example in point. with regards to food.
major chains have started carrying "organic" food because they noticed what the people wanted. they also noticed they could make alot of $ off of organic goods...
if $ is the bottom line, then beat 'them' at their own game! support organic. support free trade. support American made. support whatever is important to you!
You brought up an important point. Businesses not only raped American very very hard, but it also gave America's economy to other countries, most noticeably, China.
yes and that is what is so interesting, from a sociological/american cultural perspective.
that is why i fear that this may not make a lasting change. so much consumerism and individualism is embedded in american culture. i think that is where the back lash is coming from. we have nice things, but at what price? our freedoms??? or jobs??? don't forget for a moment why sooo many people risk their lives to come here. and why?
ows is, imo, is more then just blaming 1%. this is part of a larger movement of personal responsibility, of moving from me me me to us. we are a individualist culture. i know people feel bad about it, makes them have a bad reaction to what they see. and i understand. it's hard to change. c people need to understand that this movement is very complex. it involves self, family, community,culture, etc. so it isn't so cut and dry. many want quick answers and quick fix.
as far as the china (collectiveist culture) issue goes, i find it very ironic that the very thing that the us gov has been against for the last 100 years (communism?), is the very thing that big business are supporting... ironic? i might be wrong on that assessment though,,,
The United States of China here we come.
very good idea, it wasn't protesting that ended apartheid, it was boycotting.
You can't make someone care if you don't take away something they want.
Right now, businesses see us as a bunch of babies crying.
These "babies" funded the businesses, so as far as the OWS folks keep buying the Iphone 4s to record the events of OWS in higher HD quality and upload it fast to Youtube, this will just continue on without any real progress.
Yes let's boycott all these companies!!! Then when they see our power and they lose lots of money they will know who and what we are!!! I just hope they don't lay me off because of it. I'm sure they will keep me on until the boycott is over!!! Boycott!
If everyone quits their job in the American branch of these businesses, that'd be a big disaster, sadly, only for the U.S.
Remember, they still have those Chinese workers over there.
This is a global problem. It's just the U.S. people, with their higher education, are so used to their freedoms and their "American Dream" that when shit like this happens, they start to notice. I mean, people in India, Cambodia, Malaysia, African countries, etc. never notice wealth disparity because they are uneducated.
Americans, and Europeans, are among the educated, so it's no surprise they're revolting.
Black Friday and Cyber Monday Boycott!
Another legit form of protest is strike
Both methods should be used repeatedly and thoroughly for best effect
I already boycotted everything from big businesses since OWS started. It's all up to the other 98.9999999% of the people now.
Yeah because the majority of people wanted this shit, you are not the 99% you are the 1% that wants to live in the fucking stone age
It's only to show the power of the middle-class, and that the majority's needs should not be ignored.
The only way to show them our power is to boycott, not protest. Boycott takes away money, and that's tangible harm to the businesses, so then they would start to worry.
Boycotting forever is bad, this is boycott to get attention.
Did you learn that in the evil college system
no. I learned that from Wikipedia.
Why would it matter if your going to boycott anything, you said you couldn't even find a job, that doesn't really mean your boycotting Ford because you can't afford to buy a car