Forum Post: Boycott Corporate Sponsors of Fox TV News and Hit Them Where it Hurts
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 4:01 p.m. EST by Hawthorne
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Fox TV News has resoundingly villified the "Occupy Wall Street" movement and now is the time to hit them where it hurts in Rupert Murdoch's wallet. Publicly Boycott every single company that runs commercials on Fox News. These ads pay for Rupert Murdoch's right-wing-nut propaganda machine which is the enemy of the Occupy Wall Street movement as well as the American people.
As someone from Europe who first went to America when I was 20, I was bowled over by the constant stream of propaganda spewing from all of your mainstream media. I still am. I've thought long and hard about this. I believe that your media wants you dumb. Why? To manipulate you. Why? To control you and take your money to create wars. Why? Because war is profit and to settle old scores. Who is doing this? A very small group of people of which Rupert Murdoch is one. Educate yourself about him first. See where it leads you. Don't use mainstream media to educate yourself. Fish around the web. Once you understand who he is and what groups he belongs to you'll understand a lot. Try to educate all Americans about him. He's a very good, easy, transparent example of all that is wrong with America. Educate yourselves about what he was doing with the British "government". Both Tory and Labour. Bought and sold.