Forum Post: Bottom Line.. the US is dysfunctional.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 4, 2011, 1:11 a.m. EST by Toddtjs
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Movements in the 60's were all about the discontent with the way people were being treated. Having to go to war, poverty, rights for women, rights for blacks, rights for homosexuals, interracial marriage. And the list went on. This was a time when society as a whole was stuck in a selfish, racist belief system and suppressed people to the point they could not take it any more. Today's list looks much different. Today our grievances are about what has happened to us over the last 30 years. How big business has changed our lives. How big profits now out weigh morals and values. Money, money, money. Unfortunately money is the means by which we can only really survive. We are not equipped to grow our own food or build our own shelter or make our own electricity. We depend on the exchange of money. The biggest problem we face is that when the supply gets cut off like it is slowly doing, many people suffer. The control of this money comes from the top. The corporations are currently holding on to 2 trillion dollars in anticipation of it all coming apart. That's not fucking right! They made their money off of us. They made their millions and billions off of our sweat and hard labor. They sold us products and we bought them and made them rich. They advertised to us that all this shit would make our lives easier and more comfortable. They asked us to put it on our credit cards. To mortgage our homes. To go into debt. So they could get even richer! Now they need to now help us out. Yes, they need to dig down inside their pockets and come up with some cash. They need to pay more in taxes. We all need to support our President right now. He wants to tax these people who can afford it. If there is any kind of demand coming out of Occupy Wall Street it should be that we demand our congress to get on board with the president and pass his jobs bill. The stage is set. The people are here. The energy is strong. I say GO FOR IT!
"They asked us to put it on our credit cards. To mortgage our homes. To go into debt. So they could get even richer!" You lost me there! They "ASKED?" Was that with a gun to your head? "They advertised to us that all this shit would make our lives easier and more comfortable." Wow, were you brainwashed? Something makes me think this post is a total joke and if it isn't, then I can only hope that there are only a few people who resonate to this mindless diatribe. Yep...I think a troll posted this one!
Yea well maybe "asked" was the wrong word. What I really meant is when I got like 5 applications for zero percent credit cards coming in the mail every week and I was able to purchase my home with zero down and my mortage teaser rate was at 2.5% I would consider all that to be a type of manipulation for my dollar. When they sold me an Iphone for 600.00 and six months later they advertised them for 400.00 then six months later for 200.00... And yea they promised my life would be easier with email and all I do is spend hours deleting trash... Dude we are all brainwashed. We buy this shit because we are all unhappy with - what- I don't know - Life?
ahhh... so much said right there. First of all Toddtjs, don't think I am being callus; I understand that our human nature is seemingly wired to compel us to acquire - against our own best interests. Everyone would go a long way to putting down the ptb (powers that be for the uninitiated. ;) ) by learning why we want to acquire and then training ourselves to resist that urge. We could all start by understanding that our worth is not defined by the things we own. Another useful step is to disregard everything that "they" are trying to sell you. That is not to say that we shouldn't buy anything....just step back before you make any purchase (esp if you are going to do that on credit!) and analyze why and if you need to make that purchase.
I'm doing much better now that I divorced my wife. Way too expensive.
The first goal is to get the Republicans out of office.
Sorry, this president has done nothing but waste tax dollars! He has bailed out what you say this movement is against! He wants to waste even more money and will not create jobs. Not to make this political but come on! Govt. is just as bad as big business...Both parties are wrong...
He bailed out wall street and made a 20 billion dollar profit. Still waiting for GM though. The situation were in is that everything is totally deflated. 13 trillion dollars burned from mortgage ATM's. That money ain't coming back. "Theirs no gas in the car". I dont care where it comes from but we need gas to get to our destination Our government needs to spend even more money. Simple economics. Or, we could do nothing and watch it get worse or best stay stagnant for many many years.
Spending more Govt. $$$ will not save us from the mess we are in. People taking control and being accountable for themselves and one another will start to make change. Wasteful Govt. is not the answer, it is why big business has so much power...
Your absolutely right. $$$ won't save us. All it will do is buy us time. We will be so far into debt when this thing is over. But, I would rather be in debt then starvation. We will eventually get out of it. Change some laws and bring home jobs from overseas. Innovation begins within manufacturing. Innovation made us money during Clinton. Innovation = $$$. And $$$ is all we need. You have grievances about who is in control then petition the government to stop lobbying. That's where the main problem is. Congress won't do it because their the ones benefiting from it.
True...Just as guilty and corrupt as some of the big Corps. We have plenty of land so we will NOT starve...We just need to teach those that might, how to grow and survive...There we can find innovation too!