Forum Post: Bottom Line: The ENTIRE Nation is Over Taxed
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 3, 2011, 9:47 p.m. EST by hchc
from Tampa, FL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
When you look at the stupidity of our "elected" leaders, its no wonder they cant balance a freakin checkbook.
These clowns are useless in the real world, hence why they ended up in politics.
Time to starve em out.
That's because the working man pays for all the taxes.
So, if the rich man won't pay us enough to keep up, we need to tax the crap out of them.
In the end, shit goes downhill, just remember that.
Im not rich by anymeans, but I know they arent dumb enough to take a pay cut due to incompetency in DC and not pass it on down the line.
What is it with the anal fixations around here.
Was that just to distract yourself from what I said?
That certainly wasn't a response to it.
Wow, something on your mind or what?!
And my response was that shit goes downhill, so you can tax all you want, its a structural problem-not a tax problem- and you will be the one that gets stuck with the bill.
you're just plain ignorant. keep smoking that stuff
30 corporations didnt pay any income taxes last year
The problem is we are allowing it to happen since we keep paying taxes into a system that does NOT control their spending, cannot balance a budget, and at the same time expect us to do it.
As there is not enough revenue to pay for all the spending, the entire country is undertaxed.
As fiscal year end approaches for states and municipalities across the country, we are going to see another clear sign of just how bad things are when the states and municipalities start raising taxes and screaming for federal bailouts.
They already are. What do you think the American Jobs Act is? Or the other stimulus?
Its not going to bring anything extra, its just going to keep them afloat.
See, the entire thing is going to collapse. Look at all the stuff you pay taxes on over the course of a day, including taxes that are built in. And its still not enough to feed the beast. Thats the thing, like a drug addict, its will NEVER be enough. As soon as the economy gets better, they will continue the spending.
They have to, the money is bullshit. Dont worry, itll collapse soon and then the country can learn financial responsibility the hard way.
You should read zero hedge.
Do all the time. How many Tylers do you think there are? Im guessing at least 25.
"As there is not enough revenue to pay for all the spending, the entire country is undertaxed."
OWS should be proud, Obama is now posting on this site!
It's a floor wax.
No, it's a dessert topping!
No, you're both right!
Thanks for the laugh!
paying rent
paying rent time on private capital
paying loan interest
Our taxes are at an 80 year low, so that is 'over' taxed? really?
12 years ago taxes WERE higher, and unemployment was at HISTORIC lows
how long will you hold onto this libertarian myth that we need to 'starve' gov't?
and whom do you really starve?
And what would JESUS do, because you will answer to him one day.
Dude, you are forgetting hte one MAJOR tax- inflation. When everything around me is almost double what it was 12 years ago, it doesnt matter if my federal income tax rate is 2% lower than it was 12 yrs ago.
Its not a myth. My phone is taxed, my internet, my cable, my vehicle., my vehicle titling is a tax, my registration is a tax, my gas is taxed, my sales taxes have gone up, my materials for business have doubled, my tuituion is insanity, my bank is charging fees up the ass, etc. Taxes are way up, for the average guy.
Most of what you mentioned are state and local controlled. Now ask yourself, has your state been controlled by mostly republicans? or democrats? And seeing that the Fed gov't has been mainly in the hands of the GOP for past 12 years, again, ask yourself, who is responsible for this inflation.
Yes taxes on average persons are up, but the overall tax burden is DOWN, way way down.
Take a minute, now who persued these policies?
I can understand your frustration. I really can. Because if you earn less than 50K a year in most parts of the country, then your actual taxes are up.
Personnally, mine are down
Again, who did this? My only advise is think for yourself, and stop listening to Faux news and GOP/ libertaritards.
It's not your taxes they want to lower.
First off, when you assume Im a republican because I notice certain things in the economy with my own eyes, it just shows your bias, whcih means you would be thrown from a jury on the topic.
That being said, over the last 12 years, we have had:
Senate has a mjority of Dems over the last 6 elections- 3 D, 2R, 1 even
House is 4 vs 2, with R winning
And obviously we have 2 terms of R in president, versus 1 for Obama.
If you think the taxes are a result of either party, instead of both of their desires for power, you havent reached the level of some of us in here.
Keep peeling the layers back, you will realize they are both in bed together with the banks, and that that best marketing messages are tailored to people's personalities.
Good luck.
To respond to your statement.....
First off, when you assume Im a republican because I notice certain things in the economy with my own eyes, it just shows your bias, which means you would be thrown from a jury on the topic.
When my actual words were
Again, who did this? My only advise is think for yourself, and stop listening to Faux news and GOP/ libertaritards.
By libertaritards, I mean libertarians. I had assumed that you were either neocon(faux news neophyte) or republican, or a libertarian.
Now, this was not a baseless assumption, for it was based on your own words:
Forum Post: Bottom Line: The ENTIRE Nation is Over Taxed And Time to starve em out.
These are oh so common neocon and libitaritards clap trap. And philosophies that have led to much, if not most, of todays problems.
And yes the dems are in bed with GOP, and have been for 12 years.
So you can see I actually do understand todays problems
ALL of them DIDN'T EXIST 12 years ago when the nation as a whole( just like your statement) was taxed at a HIGHER RATE.
Yours went up, because you weren't a priority for the neocons or libitaritards. And if Libertarians gain control, you still won't
This link shows where GOP and libertarians like grover norquist put their priorities.
You are a partisan Dem hack, Deb. Im sorry that your reply continued along hte path of Fox dribble, followed by neo con remarks and the usual (insert party) tards remarks.
Im none of the above, Im a guy who happens to live in the town I live in. My political affilations end there. And the inflation has been our biggest tax, and is due to both parties. Neither wants to stop it, plans on stopping it, or plans on stopping it. Its the only way to soften the blow of upcoming bankruptcy.
If you dont think that your costs of living are out of control, then keep up the good work.
If you are falling for the Fed Income Tax rate as a good measure of where our taxes are, your outta control and a danger to those trying to create change.
WOW so according to you:
You are a partisan Dem hack, your outta control and a danger to those trying to create change.
Again you libertards show not only that you are retarded, but resort to implied threats because you are logic impaired. I had you pegged out the gate, finally came your "end the fed" bullshit
I picked apart your agruement, you couldn't even defend ONE point well and then call ME outta control???
Deb, Im not a libertard. Just because I think that 99% of us are being taxed too much, I now must side with everything on their agenda?
This is the problem with the country, this "everyone must fit into a certain space" mentality.
I showed you that the house the Republicans had control, the Senate the Dems had the advantage, and the presidency- well, Bush/Obama is one in the same, so its a mute point.
How am I suppose to debate with someone who is locked into a good vs bad, l vs r, d vs r, us vs them mentality?
Income tax goes to service the debt. That is, mostly to the bankster cartel. The idea that we are paying for services provided by the government is an illusion.
we all need to pay something to keep the bridges maintained, the fire dept paid, and grandma's social security needs to be left alone so she can decide on her own if she will take her heart pills or heat the house.
Your wars are bankrupting the nation
I did not approve ten years of war in Iraq. that's nonsense.
but you are right, ten years of war, war that has not been paid for, combined with the collapse of the banking system which did require government bailout - has threatened to bankrupt the nation.
repelican policy and dogma dictate that it get worse.
Ten years unpaid?
This nation has never even paid for the Civil War and has already bankrupted MULTIPLE TIMES!
Bailing out the guys that print the money- thats grand. Just another nail in the coffin of rational thought in the USA.
You realize Clinton is the one that repealed Glass Steagal that led to this fuckin mess, right?
i realize he signed the bill yes
He didn't write it. At the time he was facing questions regarding some issue found upon some blue dress.
meanwhile the uss cole had been bombed, as had two embassies.
never mind all that - focus
upon that blue dress
and the banks don't print the money
the federal reserve does
we didn't bail out the federal reserve
you're a fucking idiot if you think not bailing out the banks would have made our financial situation any better
the only argument of merit regarding not bailing out the financial sector is to remove their grip on power, no matter the cost.
nimrods like you make me think maybe that would have been better.
25 million unemployed - now that would have been a resource worth exploiting.
So his marriage scandal is a valid excuse for signing the legislation that led to this mess. The guy couldnt keep it in his pants, so its all good? I hope thats not what your saying.
Who do you think runs the federal reserve? Its the banking cartel, Zendog. You really got start diving into the deep end of the economics in this stuff if you are going to call peopl a fuckin idiot.
Who created the fed? The banks. Who prints the money? The fed. Who does the fed buys its bonds from? The banks. Its all the same, look at the rotating chairs of investment banking board members and federal reserve board members.
Ofcourse it would have made things worse, for the time being. But it would have proven the point that you cant screw the people and get bailed out. And the worst would be behind us at this point.
But people that fall for scare tactics bought it, and now the fascist powers are stronger, the hole we are in is deeper, and the next crash will be much much worse.
"He didnt write it". What a joke...
And the worst would be behind us at this point
they got bailed out - yet weren't lending to companies, small, medium, and large, that depend on short term credit to meet expenses.
If they had not been bailed out, the entire economy would have seized - like a motor without oil.
How do you envision it would have started moving again?
and in terms of monica-gate - if he was under sufficient pressure to prevent him from responding as most sitting Presidents would have in light of an attack on a US war ship, or two of our embassies -
what makes you blame him specifically for signing the bill? Do you know if it was a bill that stood all alone? Was it buried in among other legislation, like the budget bill for example?
Cite for me the exact cost of a veto, at that time.
They always do, Zen, do to the human spirit. Its still gonna seize up, thats the thing.
We can either get it done and over with, or we can limp along for another x amount of years, and then experiecne the collapse.
You cant solve a debt problem with more debt. Its gonna come down.