Forum Post: Boston Police Arrest 100 Protesters.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 7:24 a.m. EST by Bosak420
from Kissimmee, FL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Eye witness reports have come in stating that police dealt violently with members of Veterans for Peace who had come to support Occupy Boston.
We should protest. But we should also spend a lot of time talking to one another, letting this movement mature so it grows in strength, numbers and wisdom. Then we can start pushing harder in the streets with non-violent direct action. For now it seems it would be best to operate/think this way
Stay non violent, respect the cops, don't do anything stupid to aggravate them.
Don't give up, don't be scared off.
We're backed by millions of people.
This kind of stunt is part of the process and will end up boomeranging on them.
Above all, everyone should remain non-violent. That is absolutely critical to the movement. We can be active. But we must be non-violent. That's where our power lies.
Agreed. They are very aware of how to deal with violent people. If the movement stays peaceful then in theory we have nothing to worry about.
That is very true. Non-violence befuddles them. No matter how they react to non-violent protests or sit ins, the 1% and their minions look bad. That's how King and Gandhi did it. They created the tension non-violently with active resistance and made sure the press was right there so all of America could see.
video of arrests
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Why exactly are these folks being arrested and charged with trespassing? I've never been to Boston so forgive my ignorance but I assume this "Greenway" area is a public place, yes? How then can it be trespassing?
Sounds like this is yet another example of corrupt, overzealous police officers stupidly following the direction of their political and corporate overlords to stamp out this movement. I guess there's nothing anyone can do since apparently it's a crime on par with rape and murder in many places to record the police when they're on duty in a public place and also, if you don't do what the police want you're likely to get shot in the back and killed by them. It's apparently only going to get them less than a year in prison so why not I guess?
The three differences (only) that truly separate the Torah, Bible, and/or Koran are as follows: Eternity, final Judgement, and Jesus Christ. Well "WE" have the first two licked because "No one" can dispute who rules those courses. Jesus is/was a/the key to salvation (FYI that's all folks!). It is incomprehensible when trying to communicate that a few differences, which are the same words (only spoken in a different way), and/or "PEOPLE", can undermine all the rest. Most especially "using" that person (ETC.) to do it. (LOVE-n-STUFF) D J G 2
The easiest way to drag anything into the light is to face it (or let it face itself) away from it. Tea Parties? Regardless of any given situation (life/death/etc.) "Man" was brought into grace for being a major contributor into proving just how wrong any that were cast out (angels/man/etc.) were/are. What time is it? It's time to play Wheel barrel, and if any would like to find me just look for the guy wearing the backwards Boston Bruins cap that reads "Doggysyle" and don't sweat it, because right or wrong, as for me (IF IT WAS/IS MEANT TO BE) I may find you (alive or passed on/ "OH MY, WHAT A LOVELY TEA PARTY"). (LOVE-n-STUFF) D J G 2 The Passion of "Any" Samurai will always defeat the purpose of "Every" Ninja.
Politics and patriotism? As much as certain people may be in some kind of delusional denial, it's about the establishment of this country, an idea (a good one), not any political party and/or form of government. Proclamation of direction was spoken as true fact. What the H E double hockey sticks are we still doing here? They have life by the short hairs and they are straight up F bombing it up. All this talk of doing away with Social Security (something that shouldn't have been gambled away because it should have never been touched), just what does that exactly mean, doing away with it or calling something else, like just another move for project save own ass? (LOVE-n-STUFF) D J G 2 P.S. No you can't take "it" (whatever) with you, why? Because "it" isn't yours. Now if someone would like to go hide in a hole somewhere, good luck (FYI don't come out).
oops, got a life...i gotta get going.
Back to the grind. We are working for your rights as well. Have a good day my friend.
Legal aid for Occupy Boston protestors donations BTW
Officers say they repeatedly warned the protesters they would be arrested if they moved to the new section of the Greenway because they did not have permission to be there....
you know, my 3 year old does the same thing. i repeatedly warn him that if he continues with bad behavior, he will get a spanking. And when I follow through with it, I'm the bad guy. But you know what? He takes me seriously. That's how any type of law enforcement works. Maybe trespassing is not considered a peaceable assembly. JUST SAYIN'
you should not need a permit to express your dissatisfaction with our government. JUST SAYIN'
well guess what, dude. until you get your revolution, you DO need a permit to express your dissatisfaction. Why whine about it if you know they were doing the wrong thing?
because according to our Constitution they were not doing the wrong thing. They were doing what our forefathers did before us to crete this country. Without taking a new land from another cultures people that is.
are you high right now?
No, but you must be to allow the government to brainwash you into believing that not being able to assemble and protest peacefully on public property in a 'FREE" country.
True however when you are involved in a protest it falls under the 1st amendment. You cannot arrest peaceful protesters no matter where they are. there should be no such thing as a free speech "zone"
where does it say peaceful protesters can't be arrested? their offense wasn't was trespassing. The first amendment doesn't protect the peaceful criminal.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. that seems pretty cut and dry to me. protest peacefully=no arrest
Hear hear!
yeah, no law against assembly but there is a law against trespassing = arrested for trespassing. I agree with you 100% that they were doing nothing wrong by protesting. But if they decided to break any other law while protesting, then they're SOL.
By that standard we are ALL on private property. Our government OWNS all the land regardless of your deed. Thats why you are forced to pay taxes. but that a whole other subject. I dont agree with that either. But if they own all the land then we are ALWAYS trespassing and can NEVER protest. You see what I'm saying.
BTW it was PUBLIC property that they were on. How is that trespassing???
I'm not sure, I'm not a lawyer but I'd venture a guess and say that not all PUBLIC property is inherently accessible at all times. I suppose they shouldn't need legal fees if they can't get charged with anything.
Sure noone gets arrested or charged for things that they shouldn't be. Innocent until proven guilty??? That's why you are arrested BEFORE the trial right?
And what about loss of wages for jail time or how it shows on your record that you were arrested even if you win the case in court. You are then labeled as a trouble maker. No amount of legal fees will fix that
I'm a firm believer in personal responsibility. They knew what they were getting into. I jsd;lkfjas;dpijfasd;lkjf
Yes they did know what they were getting into. What they are trying to do is raise awareness. By getting arrested they sparked this conversation and others like it. It is a testament to their patriotism and we should not let them down by letting the system take them in and keep them. We should help to get them out asap. If people were not pushing the limits of the laws then the movement might have died the day it began. This is what makes voices heard
the government doesn't own something just because it's taxed. Where are you learning this shit from. you're forced to pay taxes because the elected officials deem it necessary to maintain this country's infrastructure. and it don't matter who you elect, there will be taxes. Here man, try this out. Go ahead and have a peaceful protest by not paying your taxes and then complain when they nail you for it. If it's the law then it's the law. Ain't no sense in breaking it just to prove a point. There are legal ways to change things if it's needed bad enough.
Ok well when you are speaking of infrastructure then you must mean power, water, roads and so on. Well if you happen to be sufficient enough supplies to remove yourself from that grid you must still pay taxes. If you do not have children that attend school you must still pay taxes if you own a home. All I am sayin is that this country was bought and robbed and paid for long ago and to think that you or I actually own a piece is naive.
When you die and have no next of kin or will where does all of your stuff go???? TO THE STATE. they even think they own you buddy wake up.