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Forum Post: Border protection

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 12, 2011, 9:10 a.m. EST by EngageJustice (8)
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Islamic jihad represents a very small threat to our national security. The department of defense is more than capable of intercepting Islamic terrorist threats long before they ever reach American soil. They have proved their ability to counter Jihads attempting to attack America and leaked memos as well as whistle blowers have confirmed that the threat from Islamic terrorist is at best over stated.

As the war on Islamic Jihad cools off there is a much greater and much more disturbing threat to not just Americans but innocent Mexicans as well. I am talking about Mexican Drug lords. It is no secret that Americans are the biggest drug users in the world it is estimated that there are currently (minus Marijuana users) 1 million drug addicts in America and sum 10 million so called recreational drug users. 85 percent of the countries crack and upwards of 90 percent of heroin pass through a Mexican Drug lords hands on its way to America. These drug lords have amassed Billions of dollars annually from selling drugs to Americans. We all here at OWS know one thing is for sure Money=corruption. No were on earth are human rights violated more than in Mexico. First I will discuss the sex industry and human trafficking. The sex trade is probably the most disturbing of all young girls are kidnapped some as young as 12 and younger and forced into prostitution. They are sold like property to the highest bidder. Some are forced to work in brothels scattered across northern Mexico others are smuggled into the United States and made to work in Underground Whore houses that are located in the middle of all major cities in America. They look like ordinary houses on the outside but on the inside is a horror story. Some of the victims have reported having police stop by the house and they thought they were being rescued, but it turned out the police were being paid to keep the secret a secret.

Aside from the horror of sex slaves there is also the issue of Migrant worker abuse. I’m not talking about Pepe that washes windows at stoplights in Miami to by beans for his family. I’m talking about people venturing from far away that somehow get connected with somebody claiming to have the ability to get them to America. Often times they are brought to America as promised and once here they are SOLD to an American Farmer and separated from their families. They are told they have to work to pay for their transport or their families will be killed. They are made to live in some rank community located on a far from the big cities often times living their for years. They are slaves real farm working slaves. The practice of migrant slavery is more common then you might think.

As all this takes place the Drug lords in Mexico keep getting richer and have a huge influence over the election process in Mexico. In the most recent days they have become more violent then ever. They not only behead members of a rival cartel but they video tape it and send it to the families of the deceased. Often times after they kill a rival cartels member they kill his or her family after as a warning to others. Mexico is a dangerous place for Journalist as well. Journalist are often kidnapped and killed. Mexico has been labeled the most dangerous country in the world for journalist (that is ahead of Afghanistan and Iraq). If you don’t agree with my solution of shutting the border down to squeeze off the drug lords cash flow then what do you propose?



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[-] 1 points by EngageJustice (8) 13 years ago

As all this takes place the Drug lords in Mexico keep getting richer and have a huge influence over the election process in Mexico. In the most recent days they have become more violent then ever. They not only behead members of a rival cartel but they video tape it and send it to the families of the deceased. Often times after they kill a rival cartels member they kill his or her family after as a warning to others. Mexico is a dangerous place for Journalist as well. Journalist are often kidnapped and killed. Mexico has been labeled the most dangerous country in the world for journalist (that is ahead of Afghanistan and Iraq). If you don’t agree with my solution of shutting the border down to squeeze off the drug lords cash flow then what do you propose?