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Forum Post: BOMBSHELL - Massachusetts Supreme Court Rules That Most Foreclosure Sales From Previous 5 Years Are VOID

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 7:27 p.m. EST by MonetizingDiscontent (1257)
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BOMBSHELL - Massachusetts Supreme Court Rules That Most Foreclosure Sales From Previous 5 Years Are VOID

In essence, the ruling upheld that those who had purchased foreclosure properties that had been illegally foreclosed upon (which is virtually all foreclosure sales in the last five years), did not in fact have title to those properties. Given the fact that more than two-thirds of all real estate transactions in the last five years have also been foreclosed properties, this creates a small problem.

The Massachusetts SJC is one of the most respected high courts in the country, other supreme courts look to these decisions for guidance, and would find it difficult to rule any other way in their own states. It is a precedent. It's an important precedent.

(source) http://amvona.com/blog/economics/28217-houston-weve-got-a-problem-bevilacqua.html

(If there's not an occupation going on there already, there probably will be very soon, one might think.)



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