Forum Post: Board Due Diligence
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 29, 2011, 12:13 p.m. EST by MoleInsideSnP
from Cold Spring Harbor, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Where were the oversight committees at the Investment Banks regarding MBS (Mortgage backed securities) To the boards, all the boards: You should know that No one asked for the actual mortgage paperwork to be pulled from Iron Mountain when the Mortgage securities were launched, Your teams bundled those mortgages based on spreadsheet data that was not vetted. You know this to be true, and you and I know this can be proven, remember the entire firm is subject to 17A 3/4 regs, all the emails and all the calendar appointments are on record and ready for discovery, as an IT guy, i could find proof in mere minutes that the securities committees and the board did not do thier jobs. care to refute that?
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