Forum Post: BO of Fox joins RL's smear campaign against Sandra Fluke
Posted 13 years ago on March 3, 2012, 9:15 a.m. EST by Faithntruth
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Since bill o reilly has chosen to jump on the train of shame we need to include him in the advertiser awareness campaign...
Does anyone know who advertises during his show?
No list here, couldn’t find current one, might have to watch the show.
With volume muted only, though! Our break room at work had a tv and my coworkers watched him every day he was on.... I quit eating dinner in there... I have had more than enough of his psuedo news and twisted spin on reality to last several lifetimes.
I hadn't thought of that I might be able to survive it, hey I just thought of this I'll TiVo and skip the show! Got to go set it up.
Excellent idea! Plus, since you are doing it I won't have to watch him, and that makes me very happy! Thanks!
OK I get a weekend retrive, but both shows Mon and Tue. is all love letter for the GOP, so Wed. two shows post Thur. will bookmark, you got to make people read it k?
Sure thing! Happy to.
Do you know how permalink works? I want to be able to find you and this thread again...
No, not really computer tech savy, just play games and hunt in peck, I cut and paste into a word doc then paste into bowser, I know there are better ways, but hey with Rush sort of saying that he's sorry people are so stupid that they couldn't understand he was just trying to make a point, and all do you think it will have staem? anyway be nice to know who BO's supporters are.