Forum Post: Blueprint For Success, Simple Yet Powerul Way To Flex Real OWS Muscle.
Posted 12 years ago on March 3, 2012, 8:51 p.m. EST by BoycottCoke
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Power: " ability to do or act; capability of doing or accomplishing something." I'm a simple man, therefore the way I look at things is simple, I see a lot of potential in the occupy movement, I also see the need to introduce the two most powerful words in the real revolutionary of today's world, by using the definition above, we can see that by discerning the true power of these words, we can completely take charge of our future and how far we really want to go with this. Without delay here are the two words: One is: YES and the other is: NO These words can be used to build or to destroy. Yes represents your approval or agreement, while No represents your disapproval or disagreement of something. One is positive the other is negative. Let us see some examples, first of NO A corporation uses unlawful or unethical practices, the movement (meaning OWS) gets involved and declares war on such corporation, the members in turn agree with OWS and say NO to such corporation, here are the ways one declares no: 1) Boycott: We physically or expressively communicate our intentions 2) Economic withdrawal: We do not buy any of their products This when done correctly, meaning with real unity, all of us together, can cause severe hurt to any corporation and bring them to a down to earth level, where they will quickly react and work to resolve the issues at hand.
Here is an example of YES.
The above corporation has a change of heart after being helped by OWS to see the light, then OWS declares the boycott to be over, once that happens we can all resume our interactions with them as before.
This might be too simple, but it makes sense, since corporation understand only when they are hit in their pockets, that is the only language they understand, therefore we must learn how to speak their language. By keeping it simple, we can all work together using minimal resources with greater effectiveness. This method can be applied not just to corporations but also to politicians and any money driven entity. Let us meditate on this, and find then it is up to the management of OWS to come up with ways to implement this simple of system of flexing real people power. We are the little guys, but together we are stronger than all of them put together, when this is done at a global scale then we can expect real change, but we all must be involved and committed to follow through. Strength is in numbers. Thank you. BC
Yes. we can do that. for example stop ACTA scanner. you can scan barcode and you'll know if this company support ACTA. For example CocaCola is acta supporter. Or you can switch from Google Chrome to FireFox Mozila --> here is funny app to firefox:
I'm gonna look into this. It does sound too easy. Thank you.
We as a people need to understand we have a LOT more power than we think. We just need to harness this power under a common goal, fighting amongst ourselves will only lead to our demise as a group, one can see this clearly just by reading some of the baiting style posts in this forum. Let's ignore them and keep on moving up those posts which reflect our goals and ideals, you can show the door to the infiltrators by disliking all their comments and not commenting on them. And we can also hope that the moderators will address them and remove their intellectual molotov cocktails. We will be free at last, but the road is ahead, push the distractions aside, the revolution does not have time to be distracted, once you get distracted, revolution keeps going, just without you now. Don't let them take you off the revolution's train. BC
Revenues are the oxygen for any corporation. Precisely targeted economic boycotts are the most powerful weapon the 99% of us have at our disposal. Corporations and govt. allies will fight back however - you've all seen the Wikileaks story unfold. Some fairly serious though needs to be put into development of a site to focus action. Very doable however.
If we can get a few volunteers sanctioned by the movement, I would get involved. I'm fluent in spanish, so at least we could cover English and Spanish, others I'm sure would come onboard, it would have to be an offspring of the movement. Also it would have to be something that if anybody has to leave for whatever reason, someone else could just take charge and keep it moving. If we look at the other movements of the past, once the leader of the movement was removed, the movement diminished or die altogether. Therefore the movement CAN NOT be one or a select few, it has to be the whole community, that one not one man is indispensable, and the movement will be victorius. I'm game, let's do this.
I'm in total agreement with your statements and I love this blue print, and YES we can send this giant a great message. I do have a small disagreement though, I think that a week is to short of a time, especially because within in a weeks' time most people will just be finding out of this boycott. I would suggest that we boycott Coca Cola until the 2012 Olympics are over, which is being held in London. Coca Cola is a major sponsor of the olympics, we should send a global message by refusing to buy Coca Cola, refusing to watch the Olympics, and refusing to eat at Coca Cola serving chain restaurants like McDonalds, Dominoes Pizza, Pizza Hut, Burger King, etc..... The truth is that Coca Cola has been challenged and sued before, but never has there been a national or global boycott against this cooporate ogre. Every attempt to change their policies (law suits, and others), and every act of discipline has been a slap on the wrist for them, simply because they pay off the plaintiffs and quiet the media. This time we need to make sure that these people get compensated for their suffering and we need to continue boycotting them until the really make a PERMANENT change to their unethical behavior and racist practices, not to mention the cooporate corruption that goes on behind the scenes. To sum it up, let's boycott this beast until the Olympics are done, they have at least earned that much, one week will be short changing them.
That would be brutal, catastrophic... yet brilliant! I think the day will come, soon enough, that we'll be able to castrate not just corporations but the whole system if need be, it will take a lot of discipline and like another brother at arms said, for a lot of people to wake up, once they do, they'll realize all the power we have in our hands. Money is the blood of capitalism, since we are the masses, we control the flow of it. Think about it, who is in the supermarkets? who is at the retail stores?, we the masses are, we are the ones who daily fill the corporations pockets with our hard earned cash by allowing our dollars to flow one way or another here and there, this in turn gives us the power to "direct" our financial support for a certain brand any way we choose to. My friends, this is just a real weapon. We don't have to get crazy. I will borrow another set of words from Dr MLK from his last speech:
"....We don't have to argue with anybody. We don't have to curse and go around acting bad with our words. We don't need any bricks and bottles. We don't need any Molotov cocktails. We just need to go around to these stores, and to these massive industries in our country, and say, "God sent us by here, to say to you that you're not treating his children right. And we've come by here to ask you to make the first item on your agenda fair treatment, where God's children are concerned. Now, if you are not prepared to do that, we do have an agenda that we must follow. And our agenda calls for withdrawing economic support from you."
And so, as a result of this, we are asking you tonight, to go out and tell your neighbors not to buy Coca-Cola in Memphis...."
Notice how his first target was, yes, Coca Cola. This company has been on the wrong side of history for a long time. Let's all show them the right path. Dr MLK had the right idea there, too bad he was cut short by a coward. BC
Also, let's not forget that our tax dollars fund contacts with Coca Cola, so even if you don't buy Coca Cola products, your TAX DOLLARS are funding this evil empire. In 2003 alone Coca Cola made $130,665,525 from the their contracts with the Pentagaon, can you imagine that this amount is now 5X to 10X what it was in 2003, not to mention their contracts with FEMA for disaster relief, everytime there is a major hurrican , earthquake, etc..., Coca Cola profits because the government buys Dasani water by the truck loads. Once again let's boycott all of their products, we can start with the number one selling drinks like Coca Cola Classic, Diet Coke, Sprite, Fanta, Dasani, Powerade, Vitamin Water, and Smart Water. And let's not forget to protest our tax dollars from being invested in government contracts with Coca Cola!
Why are they so evil again?
heh, I tell you wut.. I know it is possible. Peaceful people all over the entire world.. in a matter of minutes.. could unite. we could end all wars. we could end hunger.. we could reclaim our water, our air, and this great earth in the name of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all.
That is exactly what this is about, in a matter of minutes literally real human unity can make great changes. In the words of Dr MLK:
“We’re all caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. And whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. John Donne coined it years ago and placed it in graphic terms: “No man is an island entirely of itself, every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.” And then he goes on toward the end to say: “Any man’s death diminishes me, because I’m involved in Mankind; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.”
Now, I say. let's do this. BC
solution orientation... thats not it, whats your plan for the Apocalypse?
which Apocalypse? If something terrible befalls us, it is likely I will die. That is my plan.
I think we should make a list of the ten worst corporations in retail, and make that list public. Then one by one, we should boycott them until they clean their act up. This could definitely be successful, but it might pay to wait until we have the numbers.
I think this is a great idea to make such list. However the boycott on Coca Cola is due to the fact they are being taken to court this very week coming for the reasons outlined throughout this post, so what better way to send a strong message to them, than to boycott them and stand on solidarity with the guys taking a stand against them. 10 worst corporations? ...I like your idea a LOT. BC
Thanks, but what exactly has Coke done in particular?
Do a search for killer coke. And familiarize yourself with their tactics... There has been a lot of intimidation right here in the US. This lawsuit will bring a lot of things to light. This time they will not be able to buy their way out of it. When we launch the shareholder's lawsuit it will be a back breaking law suit, of course, there is still time, our intentions are not to break the company but to see real change in their practices. But if push comes to shove, it will be out of our hands. You will read about it in the newspapers, there are things which would not be wise to talk about until they are heard in a court of law, fortunately, we have another court date the 7th of March, so slowly but surely things will move. God bless. BC
Here is a link, read and watch the videos they have put together, sadly they are only scratching the surface, God willing more will come out during our current lawsuit against them, and the next one when we unite all shareholders in a back breaking lawsuit. Even though it is not our purpose to destroy but to reshape them, it is up to them ultimately what the outcome will be destruction or reshaping.
God bless.
This is a good post... Yes and No it is simple, If we wake the sheep, they may get what your saying... What can people who are already awake do, besides non violent protest? Say ex-military, union members, farmers, religious groups, and some community activists? It begins with sanctuary, get together people of like mindset...
Someone had suggested in another post to organize, I think its a good idea to do so, but why not organise right here on this site. I must admit I'm down for whatever works, I do run 3 websites so setting up a website would not be a problem, the main thing is to get people involved. We have been calling for a boycott on coke products and only a few people have responded, a lot of the posts in this forums deal with issues which have nothing to do what what OWS should represent, I know some ate trolls trying to push a different agenda, but there should be some moderation I guess. Any way, I'm game for doing what it takes to get the ball rolling. BC.
The ones awake can begin the process of using these principles, the others will follow once they are awake. We can begin by doing what I suggested in another post, boycott Coca Cola starting this Monday the until till Friday the until, do not consume or buy any Coke products, this would give them a little taste until the next boycott dates. If we can defeat this giant quickly, and I believe we can, then even those who refuse to believe will have to accept the fact that we can actually do it, and join our causes, whatever they may be. The advantage of doing it this way, during a certain period of time, is to do enough damage to get their attention, while not completely destroying them, and thus offering them the opportunity to reflect and change their ways. What are their ways that need to be changed: 1- Their discrimination of minorities
2-..this one is a big one, and I'll reserve it for now, since it is not in court yet. Follow me on Twitter ( @boycott_coke ) if you are a shareholder of Coca Cola or know a shareholder of Coke, since number two will greatly affect them financially in the near future.
We are no playing games with them, and they ( Coca Cola ) will see just how strong is our resolve to see this all the way through. We have to use our weapons, the Court system when or if available and our power of financial patronage. Keep in mind that financially speaking, together we have great solvency and from a legalistic point of view in the court.....WE are the jurors!!!!! BC