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Forum Post: Blowback

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 12:07 a.m. EST by Kleptco (0)
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The protestors are brave heroes for putting themselves on the line like this for the greater good. Thank you! One of the most effective things we can do is boycott one bank. This could be devastating to that one bank, totally legal, unstoppable and part of a divide and conquer strategy. The other banks will be torn between supporting the target bank and getting their business. If OWS can bring down a major bank, OWS and we the people have a seat at the table and can start to make real demands… like people in any way affiliated with Wall Street banks cannot have any contact of any kind with the political process. This law would be enforced (by hiring thousands of well paid OWS watchdogs and former bank employees) and financed through a new financial transaction tax and windfall profits tax on any profits made since the bailout. Lets pick a bank and crash it.



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