Forum Post: Bloomberg Report! OWS Ammunition! Seize the Day!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 29, 2011, 11:18 p.m. EST by Andice
from Austin, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I have great concern that the original message that resonated across this country and around the world is losing focus and splintering into "special interest" groups.
Bloomberg has once again given OWS a golden opportunity...and nowhere do I see it being addressed!
One Message...Greed on Wall Street and in Washington
This is a message Everyone will support and believe in. One Message...One Voice...and we will win. Once we win, then we can work on all the injustices that are destroying the fabric of our society...but first we must Win.
One Message...One Voice! The people become a hammer of justice under one banner.
Too many messages and you have little groups fighting with little or no effect...Divide and Conquer...we will Lose.
This report should be on the front page of this web site and OWS should be marching on the FED! This supports your message! If you don't acknowledge it...the credibility of OWS is in jepordy. This article is fundamental in supporting your existence! Seize the Moment! This is the national issue that will Unite Us. This is what you went to Liberty Plaza for. This is the only message we need to focus on and then we will Win! Many of us who have lost so much and are barely holding on will receive Justice!