Forum Post: "Bloomberg: Occupy Wall Street can stay, for now" Here are the reasons
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 9:24 p.m. EST by earthwarrior80
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
1: Zuccotti Park is privately owned by businessman John Zuccotti. He said that he’s fine with the protesters occupying the space, just as long as the park stays clean.
Whats not mentioned:
- Mayor Bloomberg is waiting for the weather to worsen, hoping that will drive away the occupiers.
- If the weather worsens he might have an excuse to clear the park "for Safety and Health" reasons.
- If that happens, whats the next step?
What's also not mentioned is that Bloomberg's g/f is on the Brookfield board.
You should go home now. If the main concerns of OWS are how long can we stay in Zucotti park and what happens when the weather worsens you are already fighting a losing cause. And I think you have already violated the "park stays clean" condition of John Zucotti.
For fear that it does rain
How many protesters are there in the ground? Can they move into a local hotel temporally? If funds are no available, start soliciting right now.
The movement has to create links that go beyond its location at Zuccotti Park, that's the only way to sustain the movement.
find ten other parks to move to, just in case.
Occupy Florida?
who's who at the NY fed
pay closer attention to where these folks come from. Mostly they are other bankers.
33 liberty st. the NY federal reserve bank. i hope its on the list of places to march around
Never voted to raise taxes.
Never taken a congressional junket.
Doesnt take the Congress pension.
Never voted for an unbalanced budget.
The Solution can be found in a man of unwaivering consistency for over 30 years!
Ron Paul is not the solution but he would be a good part. Educating stupid people about how the monetary system works would be much better a solution. "It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning." Henry Ford said that pretty near 100 years ago.
a leader who entered politics in 1971 because of our removal of the gold standard would be a great start. Ron Paul is the chairmen of the monetary committe and understand this better than any other politician.
Check out him in 1974 on
he is only one man, what can he do whenall the dimwits go back to their TVs and x boxes after he makes it in? the only soultion is to fix the problem and the problem is people are not willing to Take the credit away from the bankers, Strip them of their ability to create money easier than blowing farts. they all seem too bust pusing their own personal issues thinking that will be a cure all remedy. Bull Shit its just covering over the real problem I just mentioned above! Why the hell cant I create money out of thin air, if all men are created equal....
keep going back :)
Since when did the OWS protesters need his permission ?
Now we're only responding to Bloomberg.
Let him respond to us.
Start "Bloomberg Must Go" for his past transgressions. E.g. - he didn't fire Anthony Bologna. You've got to get him "back on his heels".
move over to californie and keep on rocking its global soon !
March in circles around the block in shifts? A never ending line replenishing every hour...
I was sort of thinking along those lines. yield to pedestrians in crosswalk. Just keep an uninterrupted march going.
Sounds like you gave it more thought than I have! You've got my thumbs up!
You need a permit in NYC for a march.
Otherwise it is police and a baton shampoo.
Apply for permits and if they are denied cite your constitutional right to peaceful assembly. I read the Boston group is going to walk single file. The police there also ordered the press away...against the first amendment...