Forum Post: Block Vote
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 18, 2011, 9:54 a.m. EST by OneVoice
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Block voting is a strong mechanism to influence politicians to institute policies for ethnic and religious organizations and communities. This tool has been successfully used mostly at the state level of government but it also has played a role in forming national policies. Block voting is taking the strength of the majority and adding jet fuel to that process. Corporate CEO's and the monied elite can not win at the voting booth based on numbers. They spend a tremendous amount of money in setting up Think Tanks to formulate public opinion and our form of government is now based on the direction of the flow of Corporate money in Washington DC. The power of the Block Vote to threaten and/or remove every incumbent from political office cannot be underestimated. This movement has tapped into a large and varied population in the United States and other countries.Politicians will not listen to the majority unless their job is on the line.