Forum Post: BlairBush US Government Has Committed Crimes Against Humanity
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 27, 2011, 12:43 p.m. EST by iamalsoows
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Bush and Blair have internationally (Malaysia court) been accused of crimes against humanity and they are working to bring the case to Haag.
That means that Bush working in the US government as President is now lawfully a war criminal hence the government and its laws of the USA are unlawful.
Thereby the people can demand the constitution and all laws of the USA unlawful and bring about a new government.
OWS needs to get a team of lawyers.
OWS needs to set up alternative media the likes of
OWS needs a team of 5000 people writing demands and letters
The letters are to be send to every organisation such as the UN etc.
The lawyers will file a case against the US and USA and its government
Case closed. You, OWS win.
OWS has to use the system and not rely on "nice" and the peoples voice and all that jazz.
Grow up OWS. Camps and shit will not do it. Grow up.
Join forces with Wikileaks and other organisations working for the idea of free people and get some cash collected and use the cash to make your case. no cash, no win. Use the system then after you win you can rebuild.
NB. Some of my friends have had an account for the forum but at some time the account makes them not able to post or the post does not show or some other issues. Not sure what it is. Just seems like irritating. Me too so I had to create a new account just for this one post. Annoying but so is life. If a company started out like OWS and this forum they would go bust in a week. Sad to say.
Obama committed crimes against the people of Libya by his and NATO support of terrorists with ties to Al Qaeda.
Fuck the George W Obama war crimes.
I'm sick of these tyrants ruining our countries good name.