Forum Post: Black Plague Economic Poison Regime Change N' The 3rd Red Scare - Good Read Re-Cap
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 27, 2011, 8:58 p.m. EST by NightShade
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After writing this I hope they do contact me I have a lot things to talk about with them, like the criminal activity in my area and the terrorist who hid out here who harass my family because we know to much, but apparently they don't give a shit since I've tried to contact them repeatedly about it in the past. Of course this government within the government called the Federal Bureau of Investigations is in with the criminals.
I am an American Citizen living in the US, I'm not a commie from Moscow blowing wind out of my ass so you can trust me. Also you can usually tell a true American speaker that does not represent an agenda by the words he says and how he/she expresses themselves.
The citizens in America are on the streets begging because foreigners have fucked our economy, stolen our jobs, education, restricted our social programs and have poison our culture with drugs. All under the careful watch of the defecto US Federal Government
Socialist Globalization infringements among banks and free trade is the reason why foreign crap is brought into the US. The high tax and regulations among American farmers brought down the agriculture down fall among farms in North America for the last 30 years.
What is left are corporate farms who carter to Globalize corporations that represent no land or people but only the filthy rich globetrotters that use each country for their own financial gain.
We should really be asking ourselves why our own government allows slave labor upon their citizens so the rich in our country can remain in control.
Land hasn't been taken by the American public, I have my own eye witness account for this since I have traveled all around the States through the years, at least 70% - 80% of the land hasn't been cultivated, meaning plain and barren.
Most of the population has been jammed into large cities with stragglers of upper middle class living in town house homes and enjoying country life. Corporations own most farm land and government or foreign banks control most of these underdeveloped land shares.
2010 census has proven the poorest area's are in suburban America.
Inflation can contribute to the high land prices specially in Colorado when a foot of land in the rural area's can estimate to $800-$1000 a square foot.
Federal Government and activist groups like "The Race" insist that immigration is the answer? This is most likely due to agenda from wealthy cartel, their families, foreign nationalist, slave wage business owners, the kick backs to the Federal Government and Representatives, foreign infiltrated espionage, and foreign Governments trying to filtrate they're minority population.
Slave labor allowed by foreign Governments and backward economist inflation tactics due to the fabricating of the Federal Governments Imperialistic Federal Reserve standard from outside interest investors for the purpose of making a higher profit on stocks and bonds along side a Free market and Globalization.
This was not caused by the majority of the American public.
Just like how countries don't allow certain species of animals and insects to enter the region because of fear in destroying the fragile ecosystem the same needs to be applied to goods and trade.
Sanctions need to be put in place to rid foreign trade to enter the country. This will be an upheaval due to saturation on the part of deep rooted corporation partnerships and exchange of shady money handling.
A good example of this is American made Television sets, which now only one small company produces half it's parts in the US. Because Globalization had saturated the market for the product
Some of the reasons I state in this article of mine is why a government over throw needs to apply.
It is because of the stock holder and shady economist who hyped up the economy stocks for bigger gain return that in turn created out of control inflation making it harder to make a living forcing the American public to buy cheap foreign goods.
Another example of this is the housing bubble, a home 25 years ago that cost $50,000 to buy, the same house in 2007 would be on the market for $350,000 - $450,000.
A home in the 1950 America could support a one persons income, not today unless the career track is president to a large corporation or investment firm, and this is directly linked to out of control inflation and slow growth in average household income.
I Go down to my local occupation because I want real change in this country and the rid of the federal government once and for all. I do not go down to the occupation to ask for handouts or an easier chance to get on SSI which was design by think tanks within our Government to keep us barely stabilized with crumbs while wealthy groups under a combination of factions rape our industry, agriculture, and Liberties.
Try to understand that the current government has been high-jacked by foreign powers it is no longer a Constitutional liberty free nation but just a regime like any other dictating faction in the world. Espionage runs rampant in the Federal sector, and extremist rule over it.
Ever heard of a man name Carlos Slim, he's from Mexico, he is also the richest man in the world. How he got there? Easy, anyone who tracks activity and monitor border communications can tell you this man has monopolized on the cartels and regularly conspire with the US and Mexico government to export heroin and cocaine to North America, he is also heavily involved as a lobbyist in Congress against border laws and installed restrictions against the US drug task force.
How it works, he has drug runners who enter Canada and manufacture synthetic heroin, black tar, and crack from the coco grown in Central and South America, including Afghanistan than transfers it into the US boarder via Toronto.
All under the watchful eye of the federal Government and it's drug task force.
There are many signs that the current government has translated into dictatorship, the patriot act, the insulation of the TSA, regulations such as the recent law trying to be past that would allow military to arrest a citizen and hold them without trial or representation. Social security numbers, police electronic surveillance. Needing to show proper papers while traveling any where in America. Much much more that I could fill a novel with but I just don't have the time.
The federal Government has already been transformed into a regime, the active transformation going on now is happening per state, since States do still hold power away from the Federal Government.
If this is not stomped soon even powers that Govern their own state will no longer have power to regulate legislation. Arizona SB 1070 even though not a good law is a perfect example of retaliating against the Federal Government's advancing power struggle among State control conducted by foreign manipulation.
Many OWS members have been whipped by the federal government propaganda and undercover co-op Gestapo operations. OWS members who do not activate aggression explain in their reasoning for not doing so as if any outspokenness upon the Federal Government will cause members to be locked up and jailed or oppressed. They suggest of others to candy ass a real movement with hippie shit songs and Woodstock memories to a violent regime such as the Federal Government.
Funny, Cindy Sheehan camped out at President Bushes ranch with her group of smelly hippies to sing songs and hold signs for 4 years to end the Iraq war... Did the Iraq war end?
But rebel civilians oppose to Muammar Gaddafi ended his regime in under 8 months using force.
These OWS members who oppose aggression make a fine case on how controlling and manipulative the US Federal Governmental mentality really is, since anyone who speaks out against them is tracked down and dispose of.
Lets face it folks, this is the right moment now to take down this tyrant because it's broken and laying off Federal jar heads daily. It can't hold it's center and the only ones left are the ones who work with the Central American Cartels.
The only installed fear the Federal Government has these days is by name only.
I personally believe this is the peoples movement not a list of informants trying to dictate over the masses with their Government paid crumbs.
This is a great time for the people of North America, if and when the Federal and State Control is disbanded many people that did not have the opportunity will be able to make a lot of money and gain power from it's downfall. Old money will collapse and the opportunity will raise for much to be gained.