Forum Post: Black Friday is great!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 27, 2011, 10:41 p.m. EST by mandodod
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Black Friday was the best Black Friday in history. 11.4 billion in sales ! Things are getting better in America.
No kidding. Every household has whole bunch of Made in China shit at home. We are just helping China to get stronger and strong. No woder China is taking over so many trading terrories. Silly American buyers ...
It is quite interesting though. The quality of Chinese made products has become increasingly good. iphones, tv's, laptops, etc. I'm quite happy with my made in China electronics. However, some of the silliest things ever are still made here. I just went to Walmart yesterday and got a package of their cheapest hangers, $1.17 for 10 count. That's something you would have sworn was made overseas, but nope, the tag said Made in the USA.
The computer you are typing on is made in China. So is your TV and Xbox. Turn over your cell phone, it is made in China also. I just bought the best vacuum in the world..a Dyson. It is not made in America. If you need something, you still need to buy it. And China does not make shit. My sound equipment is made to high standards. So is my flatscreen. Been good for 3 years with fine 1080p.
A good shopping season does not mean things are getting better. We had a great shopping season the year before the Great Recession began, and things were just getting ready to blow up. The shopping season only shows how people FEEL, not what they KNOW. Horrible problems were brewing beneath the surface of the economy, ready to emerge in less than a year, even as people blithely went about their shopping.
If you want to know if things are going to get better, you have to look at whether or not the things that cause or perpetuate the Great Recession are getting better.
Banks are not really more solvent, they are only floated along by the government.
The government has no reserve capacity left to float anyone else along.
The banks that were "too big to fail" have all been made much BIGGER by the government as they were asked or coerced to merge with other failed banks.
Unemployment has not gone down, and it now grossly understates the actual number of unemployed because most going off the list did not go off from getting jobs but because they fell off the far end of the list where benefits stop because you've used them all up. (Once your benefits stop, you are removed from the unemployment roll.) The problems we created for Europe are now bouncing back toward us and may hit us soon. Almost no one who fraudulently combined bad credit risks with better credit risks to hide the higher risks has been brought to justice. Banks have NOT been REregulated to put them back on the stable financial track they once had. The Bush Tax cuts that created our enormous deficits (after years of running surplus budgets under Clinton) have not been repealed, so the top 1% still pay a smaller percentage of their income in income taxes than the middle class.
NOTHING has been fixed that caused this mess, so the daily ups and down of the stock market or the retail are nothing more than knee-jerk feelings or blind faith.
That's why i started blogging about this. Too many people just parroting the government's claim that the Great Recession ended in June of 2009 and that we are in the process of recovering when, in fact, we've done nothing to address the many problems above. We've just created even more debt and shifted the liability of that private debt to the public citizen. In other words, we nationalized the private costs of failure.
--Knave Dave
Screw OWS!