Forum Post: Black Bloc proves non violence to be the right way
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 5, 2012, 2:17 a.m. EST by BannedForTruth
from Christiana, TN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Saturday February 4th 2012
BLACK bloc proves failure LIVE and makes OPD look good in the process. In the process they have proven they should be excluded as irreverent. Black Bloc now claims they have never been provocative.
They start the feed by smoking pot on camera and telling camera men not to film vandalism and people not commit vandalism on camera. OPD just followed the whole time giving themselves a great PR experience. It is almost as if they are trying to discredit the movement.
HEY HEY ho ho
Occupy Oakland Has got to GO!!!
We have seen Black Bloc in Oakland before today, BB stop faking it.
Black Bloc come then goes ... Then come the Police!!!! EVERY TIME
I was watching on live stream. It was a big zzzzzz. Low turnout. Offensive chanting, one flag burned, but that's about it. OPD looked like they were simply providing a safe escort around the city for the protestors.
Did no one see last nights encounter?