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Forum Post: Bipartisan War On You

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 3:40 a.m. EST by dissonance (14)
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For decades the corrupt political elites have waged war on the working classes, on behalf of their sponsors. There are no jobs because your jobs have been transplanted to places with bad environmental standards, bad worker protections, desperately poor workers, and brutal regimes that enforce these pro-corporate anti-worker policies at the barrel of a gun.

This is a long-term dismantling of the American worker's standard of living, and is a conscious policy decision which continues to pass both houses of the corrupt federal government and be signed into law by a succession of corrupt presidents.

Occupy Wall Street is right to oppose these malignant leaders and their paymasters. However, the fight is just beginning and the end game is nowhere to be seen. This isn't a case of a single strongman and his gangster family running a land. This is a pervasive, global network of such massive corruption and outright depravity (war for profit, for example) that the deck is stacked against the movement.

Luckily there are a lot of heroic people with integrity and smarts leading the charge on the ground, and I salute them. It will not be easy, and numerous other methods of organizing and acting must be incorporated to bypass the gatekeepers and multi-layered forces of repression. Be creative, be visible, be steadfast and unyielding.

Don't fall for enticements to stand alongside war criminals and fraudsters for some short term gain. This is the long term struggle for the soul of society. It cannot be bought off, and it cannot be ignored.



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[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 13 years ago

Good post. And you are correct, this isn't a single strongman and his gangster family. It's a highly organized, worldwide criminal cartel that make the Cosa Nostra look like a Cub Scout meeting.