Forum Post: Biggest Secret Revealed
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 18, 2011, 5:26 a.m. EST by iamalsoows
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
This is life among people. Notice the birds eating leftovers and the herd in the backdrop and the jackal while the lion eats:
Now notice how the lion protects her cubs:
Does this ring a bell: (lion kings using lions as a symbol in their shield to protect us and to protect themselves and lions because they are strong, powerful and smart - they hunt prey)
I will not go into the fact that The Sun is shielding humans from bitter cold and it will be far too windy to go into Amen Ra. But think it over.
Your up and coming holiday is your holy days when The Sun is reborn - luckily - and that is petty sacred and worth thanking God for because it is darn good or else we'd enter real deep-freeze ice age.
Now, put man in place of the lions. Puzzle solved.
The only question remain; who and what is God. Scientists are working on it and if you or the next few generation could just hold on and take it easy they might answer that too.
Scientists are part of God; Gods conscious as we believe it to be but we may be wrong but time will tell.
Patience is a virtue.
Okay, I could go on and please, please, do not scribble with alarm because I did not mean to explain every detail of the secret here.
Happy Holidays.
Hapi was a god in old Egypt: because when the Nile ran over, people were Happy and thankful to the God of Hapi. And water came from rain from clouds that were in heaven up above and so water turns into wine magically.
Magi the Greek God and 3 wise men (or rather stars):
But they followed Venus the morning "star" giving birth to The Sun.
But don´t be confused:
This is my humble gift to the Occupy movement may the good Sun be with you.
Thank you, gracias, gracious... right (why not left?), got to stop at some point.