Forum Post: Biggest Heist in History of Mankind
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 27, 2011, 4:39 a.m. EST by MagPie22
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Sixteen Things Libya Will Never See Again.. Global Research, October 25, 2011
I would love to have lived in this country.
The rebels probably created by CIA/EU saw a change to get to the wealth using the arab spring as an excuse. CIA planted rebels to overtake the bank of lybia and the oil reserves?
Gadaffi finally executed and assasinated by NATO unlawfully. Dead man can not talk!
99% payed for libyan oil and the money are in part now in US/European banks used to create new loans to robbed greece at high interests payed though peoples tax.
It screems HEIST and people are being robbed and people of the 99% just do not get it. I think even most heads of states do not get it.
- There is no electricity bill in Libya; electricity is free for all its citizens.
- There is no interest on loans, banks in Libya are state-owned and loans given to all its citizens at zero percent interest by law.
- Having a home considered a human right in Libya.
- All newlyweds in Libya receive $60,000 dinar (U.S.$50,000) by the government to buy their first apartment so to help start up the family.
- Education and medical treatments are free in Libya. Before Gaddafi only 25 percent of Libyans were literate. Today, the figure is 83 percent.
- Should Libyans want to take up farming career, they would receive farming land, a farming house, equipments, seeds and livestock to kickstart their farms are all for free.
- If Libyans cannot find the education or medical facilities they need, the government funds them to go abroad, for it is not only paid for, but they get a U.S.$2,300/month for accommodation and car allowance.
- If a Libyan buys a car, the government subsidizes 50 percent of the price.
- The price of petrol in Libya is $0.14 per liter.
- Libya has no external debt and its reserves amounting to $150 billion are now frozen globally.
- If a Libyan is unable to get employment after graduation the state would pay the average salary of the profession, as if he or she is employed, until employment is found.
- A portion of every Libyan oil sale is credited directly to the bank accounts of all Libyan citizens.
- A mother who gives birth to a child receive U.S.$5,000.
- 40 loaves of bread in Libya costs $0.15.
- 25 percent of Libyans have a university degree.
- Gaddafi carried out the world’s largest irrigation project, known as the Great Manmade River project, to make water readily available throughout the desert country.
This was a heist of epic proportions.
Occupy NATO, Occupy EU, Occupy CIA... the list goes on and one.
Where was americans when Bangkok got occupies in 2009 by cambodian army mercenaries? Home not caring. Where where americans during the killing spree of 100.000+ of East Timorees? Home!
Not to mention the killing of the indigenous people of north america.
The list goes on.
Occupy "occupy" because Occupy is an american phenomenon.
I was thinking oceans 11
Great post, it was definitely a scam to get Libyas oil.
Thank you. Now, how do we educate people?
The Rothschilds family is the cause of death and destruction the past 150 years.
Americans are inslaved.
America is inslaved.
Europe is enslaved.
Why? Because of total stupidity and debt to a bank!!
What would a sovereign country do if they had the balls? Kill the creditors and take back their freedom.
So Libya will suffer with Gadhafi gone.
The same thing has also happened with the Philippines after its dictator was gone.
PHILIPPINE FACTS: -is not a republic. Rule of masses not Rule of Law -The government people in all levels will EXTORT you if you dont BRIBE them -Almost all leaders are MILLIONAIRES -people power was attended by just 3% of the population -Leaders will receive millions of pesos from pork barrel every year -We are known in the world as a nation of Maids and Caregivers. -We have the worst airport in the world -The govt negotiating peace with butchers (Moro Islamic Liberation Front) -“Human Rights” are only for the suspects and not for the victims. -We are the only catholic country in Asia, also one of the poorest. Bahala na ang diyos. (Come what may) -Pacquiao's accomplishments are ALL PERSONAL ENDEAVORS. -We had a Cardinal named SIN -If you got killed during Marcos term, Youre a Martial Law victim. If you got killed during Cory's term, well, youre just a victim. -If youre an Aquino Cojuangco, automatically, the people will worship you. -God so loved this country he lets the politicians starve the people, and the people in turn commit sins out of poverty. -Is a country where the difference between Rape and Sex lies whether the victim enjoys it or not. -You can be hero just by dying for you political ambitions I-s a nation hungry for dignity. The reason why they shout Proud to be Pinoy at every chance they get. -A hastily written 1987 constitution is being fiercely defended as if it were a Holy Book. -A developing country that has the biggest mall in the world. -Should showbiz celebrity Kris Aquino run for President, she will definitely have a landslide victory. Thats a hard fact.
And so we sit back and watch the show which just goes on and on. Time to hand out Prozac and make grass free and no tax of boose. Let the party begin. Just relax and sit back till kingdom come. What? What kingdom? Do we still have kingdoms in the 21sr century? Yes. No, you are kidding, right? Noop. Oh my dear. Give me a ticket on the 12th row and let me enjoy the spectacle.
After the show I want a single ticket out in space.
despotism is, and has always been, the greatest form of government for the people/
libyans were too caught up in this absurd social construct called 'liberty'
Just like despotism in USA makes people in USA caught up in their liberty and freedom. Not working. USA is the biggest and strongest despot of modern times.
That's the problem with Nationalist Socialism like Gaddafi's. It's all good for the people at home who accept it, but it really jacks up its neighbors. I can admire what the actual Libyan nation got out of his tenure, but the plane hijackings and hellishly tragic plights of the other countries in Africa he meddled in seal the deal. Better off dead. Can Saif redeem the name? Nice thought but nobody would let him.
Planet Earth is a corporation and should be run as such? One house, one ruler?
Let the truth come out. The MSM just fed us filthy lies. Expose the bastards. If Occupy is an American phenomenon (which I doubt) make reopening the 9/11 investigation one of your prime demands. You cannot have a clear mind when your worldview is based on lies. Study the core issues: fiat banking (FED), NWO, know thy enemy. Lybia is part of the same scam.
Occupy your own programmed mind. Free it.
World problems are managed and it is becoming ever increasingly a very few who really has the power. Lying has become easy because people are too stupid. Untill now perhaps. I hope so. I hope swedish idiots will learn but I do not think so because they are simply so stupid it is hard to believe but it is true that people are really stupid and even if they are presented with the truth they do not believe it.
Truth? Let us hope it is not all the lies!!!
Let us also not be misguided by conspiracy. It does no one person any good to flaunt that they're more ignorant than they really are. If you feel that the American peoples' every action is still based on 9-11, then do you. I'll be doing the future. Whether it's gold, water, or people, America will find its wealth.
Find wealth in debt and more debt. USA has been bankrubt the pst 150 years give or take a few since the Rothchilds fixed a deal and created the Federal Reserve bank to steal your wealt. So if you find more welth by going to war you will have the Rothschild family steal it from you and so it goes on.
Every single thing you "own" and see in USA including people are owned by a very few people nad mostly the Rothschils family and businesses.
What we, the others, must look out for, is that americans do no come and kill us o get our wealth to pay your debt.
Why do you think the arab countries (and others) are in fear of you coming and killing them stealing their property and wealth?
The Roman empire has not fallen yet but only more debt can keep it "strong". Government knowns it but people do not know it.
The 911 official story is so full of shit and so was the bombing of Pearl Habour and the Vietnam war etc. that is is obvious that americans are broke and will do everything it takes to pay back their debt to keep the ship sailing. Unfortunately you have hit the roof and can no longer pay back the rents on the debt so you will default sooner or later. Probably sooner.
Why do you think you have the society you have? Who ordered WW2 to start? Why do we have automobiles? Why do you have the things you have? Why are houses build like they are? Why are there not more restaurants with good basic food for the people? Why must you pay debt all yor life? Why must you work all your life?
All these questions are easy to answer and the reply is caleld freedom when in fact it is the obvious. You and I have been inslaved prior to the rise of The Roman Empire and we are more so today than ever.
The debt crisis you see around the world and every single war you hear about is created to pay back debt and rent and because of enslavement.
Occupy your own life and get your soul back before it is sold at too high a price namely death. Even your death is a calculated risk and the government makes money on corpses. Look it up.
My memory is pretty good and my short and long term memory serves me fine. I even have documents to prove it. This is why intelligent people are not wanted. People are designed to be dumber than the elite and no way near intelligent nough to figure out how we, the people, in all countries, are being jerked around like cattle waiting to be butchered to serve the elite. Buthered literally (war) and metaphorically to deprive us from our last intellelectual freedoms.
911 wasjust a small fraction of the bigger picture. 911 only killed a few people in the USA and abroad. There are far worse things to come. You will eventually perhaps be spared your life but your freedom will be lost and you will want to die by your own hand which is better than living in a society of big brother and every move you make is monitored.
Did you know US prissons are privately owned? Do you think they want more prisoners to make a profit and ensure the shareholders?
America is a corporation owned by basically one family namely The Rothschilds and you are living in their house at their will working for them and you have no choice than to follow suite. The few freedoms you do have now are only given to you until they are taken away from you.
Dommsday? No, doomsday started more than 150 years ago and you are living a nightmare. Every day when you wake up you do not actually wake up but you are just living the dream of a very few select people and your dream is their dream. Look it up.
Makes you wonder why the people rebelled, doesn't it?
Now, there'll be plenty of people to shoot down your stupid, so I sha'n't do it all, but one thing I would like to comment on is the great pervasive fatuous exchange rate blunder. As, for example:
No. No they don't.
Assuming that there is even a kernel of truth in that, a true statement would be: "In order to buy 15c worth of American currency, a Libyan would have to sell 40 loaves of bread and then the receipts (not the profits) would buy him the vast sum of fifteen American cents."
Libyans don't pay 15 cents for forty loaves of bread --- because they don't have 15 cents.
holds head in hands, weeps for the stupidity of the world
. 40 loaves of bread in Libya costs $0.15.
Yes, thanks to Libya's oil revenue:
Oil money continues to make possible Libya’s subsidy programs—the socialism in the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya concept. NASCO pays twenty-six dinars for a hundred-and-ten-pound bag of flour and sells it to bakers for two dinars; you can buy a loaf of bread for two cents. Rice, sugar, tea, pasta, and gasoline are also sold for a fraction of their cost. Economic reform will involve scaling back these subsidies (which currently amount to about six hundred million dollars a year) without impoverishing or starving people—which is all the more difficult given that wages have been frozen since 1982. Meanwhile, there is little credit available in Libya: no Libyan-issued credit cards can be used internationally; no financial institution meets international banking standards.
As early as October 7, 2010, the Libyan Government had planned to raise the price of bread, causing protests already, well before the internal chaos of this year. Keep in mind, as noted in point #9, that in Arab states, including Egypt, bread subsidies are considered as something sacred, and riots tend to break over bread prices.
The equivalent of.... Right? Think again. Writing is NOT thinking. That you have to do yourself.
If you wrote Dinars then people would have to do the exchange rate so here the writer is helping you out a little bit. Do npt blaim the messenger, right?
Now, breadprices in Lybia: I belove until I see other proof, that bread was really REALLY cheap.
Paradise Under Qaddafi?
Anyway, enough on this topic with yor, sir, until you can disproof the information presented.
In Europe a bread (ONE bread) is now 5 US Dollars. Go figure.
No, the writer is confusing the issue. The exchange rate does not give us a valid measure. A realistic question would be: how much work does a manual laborer have to do in order to buy a loaf of bread? That tells us about living conditions. Translating it into dollars and cents confuses two separate bits of information: the price of bread, and the exchange rate. If the dollar-to-dinar exchange rate changes, bread does not become cheaper or more expensive in Libya, because they are not importing their bread from the US.
I know and understand. But imagine the avarage sallary of a worker in Lybia was as high as one in USA I would say the price of 40 loafs in Lybia was very cheap compared to the price of bread in USA.
How much do you think the wages would be in Lybia to be make it comparable to the price of bread in USA? I think they would make less than 200 US Dollars a month to hit a price as low as that comparable of 0.15 US Dollars.
Wau, Lybians get nothing!!! But then water and electricity and housing is subsidizes and very cheap. So I believe bread is still cheap at 0.14 US Dollars for fourty breads. Not very very cheap but surely far cheaper than in Denmark and USA all figures taken into account.
Did you know that Milk in Thailand is more expensive in Thailand than in Denmark?
So, bread is cheap because it is considered "holy" and basic food where as in the west bread is now seen as a luxury and priced as if it was salmon or prime beef (exageration fuels the understanding).
Sure you can buy a loaf of bread in Denmark at 2 US Dollars but did you know it is mostly air?
I am sure the quality of bread in Lybia was good and the best.
In fact so cheap in Lybia that is was almost free at that price. You basically just paid for the work done to produce the bread. At that price everyone can eat.
But now that MacDonald is comming in and Nato has bombed Lybia back to the stone ages the price of bread will be higher and people will go hungry.
People really still believe the information they get and do not question the propaganda we are presented with on national news.
But you're doing the same thing again:
The exchange rate is barely relevant. If you want to calculate how hard it is for them to buy iPods, then the exchange rate comes into play. Otherwise, not so much. If you just want to talk about the standard of living, then you have to ask: how much work does a manual laborer have to do to buy food and pay his rent?
I understand your point. However I do believe bread was very cheap in Libya in Dinars.
People can live without ipods but not bread (food).
COL: well, it seems that rent and food and COL could support an income that was lower than in the west but the actual COL was lower because for many things you did not need money or if any very little.
The Libyan capital of Tripoli is one of the least-expensive places to live, with a quality of life that entails significant risk from military rockets.
Mercer COL: place 190. Really cheap COL compared.
So, if bread was cheap or not, COL is still low. Bread was probably very cheap but who makes bread now when they have Nato/CIA money and RPG's a AK47's. If nobody bakes now bread will be expensive.
And so things that Libya will not have after Gadaffi is gone is low COL and cheap bread.
And how were women treated in this Utopia?
Equal to men and even better than in many western countries but respecting the religion of the country. Actually in arab countries it is the woman who has the real power.
How do you think and know they were treated?
At the time of the revolution in 1969, 40% of the population lived in tents or shanty houses and was one of the worst in the Arab world.[9] The revolution promised "housing for all", and by 1997 virtually every Libyan owned their own home through government laws which supported such. Criticized by opponents of the government for not creating a mortgage market,[10] women obtained equal rights as men to own and have independent use of their property.[5]
Now it is time to revisit Lybia and ask some of the woman how they had it during Gadaffi's regime, Is every country in Europe and America not a regime? Sure it is. USA is by far the biggest totalitarian facist regime in the world today.
"Actually in arab countries it is the woman who has the real power."
That is the most ridiculous statement I've read on here. Enjoy your Wikipedia education. Good day.
You have very little if any idea of cultural habits in the arab world. Ignorance comes easy. Educate yourself before blaiming yourself.
Not so long ago USA had no right for woman, they could not vote etc. And black slaves to mention a few perculiar freedoms in USA.
USA and the west have had fewer freedoms for woman than the east have had. Go figure. Go travel and learn my fellow man of ignorance.
Travel to any part of the world especially in arab regions and understand that woman have more power than men due to woman wit and femininity. Why do you think they must dress in weil? Because to avoid the men having a hardon too often. Too simple for you. Well, understand religion now my friend or loose your intellectual virginity in the arab world among your fellow men - and woman.
What is real power among people of good nature? Love! And among greedy selfish fools like presidents of the USA? Hate! USA has nothing but the biggest gun due to importation of nazi german to invent and manufacure weapons of mass destructions to keep the world in their stronghold. Including keeping woman as slaves of drugs and booze and sex in an empire so evil that it could not be compared with the roman empire which was so evil and stupid where single men had power to control a whole nation including their woman burning anyone who had another way and idea.
Learn your basic history and come back.
And do not bother too much about Wikipdia... you and I can read other sources, right.
American culture in a nutshell: Playboy Inc.!!!
Here some lovely arab women:
Women in the Arab world read the UN report and see if you find anything there that you do not find in american/western societies and even worse. Also in USA you have millions of eliterate people. Many poor people. Woman are being treated badly in ultra rightwing ultra christian groups ... in the USA. The picture you have of the world seems like a picure out of a Hollywood movie.
Get real. Read and learn first before commenting as you do to avoid sacificing your own dignity.
I've been to countries in the middle east, along with west African Islamic countries. I've been in the women's homes and spoken to them. Seeing for myself was more than any website could tell me.
Yes, there are places as anywhere. You will find male chauvanistic pigs even in Europe and USA and yu will find rightwing ultra zionist christians who treat woman like shit. Rotten scum is everywhere.
I have travelled also I know that woman usually has the last word in any family. Even and more so in muslim societies.
There are fatalist male pigs everywhere treating woman with beatings and terror. But in general muslim woman in arab countries are very well treated and even more so.
Do not believe in the west trying to hypnotise us into believing that equal rights in work and family really is true and utmost equality.
If we where equal in every sence we would have died millions of years ago. Man hunts, woman takes care of babies. Nature we call it.