Forum Post: Big concern about the movement here at Zuccotti Park
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 8:33 p.m. EST by ArrestAllCEOS
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I am here at Zuccotti Park and noticed that there is a blocked off area with people that have blue armbands, no one is allowed through. I don't know what they are doing over there. I thought that we were all equal, I guess some people are more equal than others.
This is like the 1% of the 99% within our movement. I don't think its fair.
I was walking past the table area 15mins ago and got a text on my phone. I stopped about 3ft away from the table. A blue arm band guy told me to keep moving. I told him to F--k off and walked away. Who are these guys?
I think we should go find out, I'm over by the drum circle, where are you?
Please report back. The suspense is killing me.
LOL. You see elitism is human nature after all. Even egalitarian non-orgs. have management folks and my guess is they get the best food and tents as well. Uh Oh...
No, elitism is not human nature.
everybody should put on blue armbands so their distinction is nullified.
Animal farm begins.
this is disconcerting. who are these guys?
Update: I was just smoking some pot around the tables (where the blue arm band guys are) and they told me to leave, they were really mean in how they asked me too. What is going on here. We need someone to infiltrate this area and find out. I don't like the idea that some people in this movement are more equal than others
It's time to have a protest within a protest, come on everybody lets protest the blue arm band guys!
i'm curious to know too - how come no one has any definitive answers on these guys?
CNBC wrote:
you know, i could be wrong, but in the GA minutes from a few days ago (17th) someone mentioned that their laptop got stolen.... maybe they are there to protect the laptops?
So, who are the blue armbands?
Infiltrators from the Libertarian Party?
Maoists? Not likely real ones anyway. Probably NSA or CIA, FBI, NY Police Intell/anti-terror squad etc. et al. Take your pick. I was in the SDS once long ago and when we had member meetings at my School by 1968 half the people attending were Gov't agents of one variety or another.
stand there and ask them - in a group - ask them who they are - what up with the armband - do they have more so we can all wear them!!!!! >??????
They're the new leadership we ( the 1%) sent in. You didn't think we were going to allow a possible big $$ maker like #OWS to stay in the hands of a bunch of losers did you? ;)
How can I access the park via google map? What’s the coordinates, can you post the link here?
Broadway and Liberty St you can take a train to Fulton St or WTC and walk there
You really do need to ask, because if the movement needs to start booting people it shouldn't wait until those people become too powerful or influential to be booted, otherwise they might as well just be called the US Senate!
LOL!! You folks didn't think the PTB were just going to stand by and let a "leaderless movement" stay that way did you? That's what they do, they lead, that's why they run everything and we run from them. Get it?
you really need to ask...
just go over and ask whats up.
If you dont know what/who they are dont make assumptions....
but you are right, don't make assumptions and rumors shouldn't be trusted so he should go fact hunting
I have heard that there is a group trying to take control, and that is the draw back of a leaderless movement
take control ... easy today ... get on the box and preach some sense. tomorrow, different story .... lot's of small leaders, lot's of cities ... EGO
The technologists are not trying to take control. The technologists were always in control.