Forum Post: BIG Butt ad bitching about the NSA survailance
Posted 11 years ago on Feb. 11, 2014, 12:52 a.m. EST by MattLHolck
from San Diego, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
coal solvent in the river spill
The NSA knows anyway.
let's bring those records forward
time to turn meta data
over the meta melt down @NSA
claims baking by human rights
but wants to curtail surveillance via public medium
which is contralto exposing violent and unjust acts to humanity
the NSA finally gets me to care about them
by a permo ad on the occupy forum
[-] 4 points by shadz66 (16457) 2 hours ago
Welcome to ''The Intercept'' : & see ..
Kinda like being on the forum.
Only more interactive in a positive kind of way.
this twitter is calling for the fight for ignorance
lack of public knowledge
I'd rather see more forum threads
I would rather see some of the more important ones commented on instead of being ignored for the troll picnics.
the flash disrespects the intellect of order
the insistence is insulting
NSA takes front and center on forum as advertisers tell us to worry our privacy not the sick, homeless and abused @OccupyWallSt #StopTheNSA
not so much as a spy agency
as rather a tool to move the course of discussion from need and peace
to fear and oppression
still stuck with this banner
Let Go, Let Gov