Forum Post: Big Bank Bailout - Who's bailing us out?
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 19, 2011, 11:32 a.m. EST by fisherz
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Big banks were bailed out. Who's going to bail us out? With little money in my Bank of America account, there was a fraudulent charge on my account. I did not put money in the account, but I let it go negative so they could freeze my account and ensure no other charges. 2 weeks later: $115 in fees, cannot freeze account, routed around the world on hold for hours with no help, and now they say they cannot close an overdrawn account. So I will continue to get fees! They will not refund the fees and specifically say the 5 day extended fee is legitimate since I chose not to put money in the account. If my account is compromised I should be able to freeze my account and not incur more charges! This is why the country is failing. The banks got bailed out and yet the bank will not help us! There should be more laws to protect consumers!