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Forum Post: Beyond Wall St.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 9:54 p.m. EST by MikeyD (581) from Alameda, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

We have their attention, and that's a great start. Now what? Does anyone believe that the fund managers on Wall St. are now suddenly going to start paying taxes on their fund management fees as income (35%) rather than as capital gains(15%)? Does anyone really believe GE is going to start paying any taxes on the billions of dollars of profits it generates in the US? Does anyone really believe the whitehouse will discontinue it's incestuous relationship with this massive tax dodging company by terminating the gigantic government contracts they have, or even terminating GE CEO and Obama campaign contributor Jeffery Immelt's role in the current Whitehouse as a "Jobs Advisor"? Its like some dark, sick joke, and no, marching is not enough.

In 12 months from now, we will have the opportunity to remove these people from office. The multi-national conglomerates would be unable to pillage the government coffers, without their co-conspirators in Washington. None of us can force GE to pay it's taxes, but we can remove the people from the whitehouse and congress who allow it to occur.

Some will say the newcomers are going to be just as bad as the folks we throw out, regardless of party. That may be true, but there is another election two years after that, and another two years after that. If the people we put in office next year don't do their job, we remove them and replace them. Its time for the citizens of this country to wake up and get involved, because our leaders are not only allowing us to be robbed, they are aiding and abetting the crime.

I have quite a few friends who are Tea Partiers, and they are already charged for 2012 for the EXACT SAME REASONS. The idea that ending "crony capitalism" is no longer just the cause of business owners over the age of thirty is inspirational. Stay angry, stay charged, stay informed, and do something to effect REAL change in 2012. VOTE!



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