Forum Post: beware the grand bargain! no cuts to SS/MC/MA
Posted 11 years ago on March 13, 2013, 7:48 a.m. EST by bensdad
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The Rs have, for years been using "the big lie" and "if you lie often enough, they will believe you" about taxes.
The Ds want to raise taxes on the 1% & the corps but are now seen as ready to compromise on SS/MC/MA.
Both are "perceived" as opposite ends - to meet in the middle.
you go to the doctor with a sprained ankle.
One doctor says - put a brace on it.
the other doctor says amputate the leg .
lets compromise and amputate the foot.
Vermont's Bernie Sanders is willing to filibuster any SS/MC/MA cuts.
please call him & email him to give your support
202 224 5141
The Deficit is too small. Deficits are tools to use especially during slow economic growth.
YES! tax the rich & corps & do an FDR WPA & TVA etc
Great infographic
We gotta stop discussing the budget in terms of deficits, cuts, austerity.
THAT is the language ofthe RW extremist tea party strategy of starve the beast.
We need to discuss the budgets in terms of what we can di to encourage job creation/economic growth.
So I say dismiss the deficit hawks with derision and disagreement
We need austerity -
save money by putting obsructionist Rs in Gitmo
LOL. funny.
Will you be first in line to have your taxes increased to fund a bloated, inefficient program?
Evan Paul Ryan says there is NO debt crises.
There is no debt crises.
Gotta invest in job creation and economic growth. NOT CUTs!!!. Cuts destroy jobs!
And there is no debt crises, just ask Paul Ryan!
Slight problem:
"...CBO also warns that the deficit is projected to continue rising once again after 2015, adding a total of $7 trillion to the national debt over the next 10 years."
"...CBO projects of a deficit [in 2013] of $845 billion
Alan Simpson called to failure to control entitlement spending "total madness"
Don't believe the hype. It's just RW wackos trying to destroy Social Security/Medicare by "starving the beast".
The deficit/debt crises is fear mongering propaganda ullshit.
Feel free to disregard, and full steam ahead,
invest in jobs/economic growth, raise taxes on the wealthy, cut military in half, close all loopholes for the rich, cut corp welfare & waste.
You have the articles, true, but I see 17trillion dollars in debt. Now, I don't have a degree in international monetary policy, but that seems like a bit of a big number. And I have no interest in destroying entitlement programs, I just want to see them streamlined. Wouldn't it be nice to have 1 dollar have twice as much power to help people in the future than now?
Keep your hands off the greatest pgms forthe 99% in the history of the world.
On Medicare:
We can cut costs by getting hospitals, medical suppiers, big pharma, and by putting the private health insurance criminals out of business.
Didn't you see the Time mag expose?,9171,2136864,00.html
Once we do that we can allow all to buy into medicare.(that'll bankrupt those private health insurance crooks)
Social security requires only an end to the payroll cap. why shouldthe wealthy pay into the plan on all their income.
Oh man! If only I had some control of the entitlement programs! Is it really so bad as to mention budget cuts to make the entitlement programs work more efficiently? If it is, then perhaps I should form my own country.
In this country we take care of our elderly and we do NOT cut their benefits to protect the wealthy from tax increases.
Are you joking?
No, I am not joking; well I am joking about forming my own country. with 1 trillion dollar budget deficits each year for the past 4 years, not to mention the previous deficits, are you really saying with a straight face that no cuts are needed?
NO CUTS to the poor, sick & old goddamn it!
Cut corp welfare,
Cut military budget
Cut waste
Raise taxes on the wealthy.
Not a penny from the 99%.
Sorry we've already given.
Please stop advocating against your own class. Stop working for the guys who took our money.
If I was making over $250,000 - yes - especially if YOU defined it as bloated
voluntarily? Why? Wouldn't you want to see your money help as many people as it could instead of fueling a beaurocracy? to those truly in need and not those abusing the system?
you sound like willard
I am about to demonstrate my considerable ignorance. Who or what is willard?
it is a pathological multi-millionaire
Ok. Mitt Romney, duh!!. Please let me clarify. In a private setting, you have to qualify for a loan. A pharmaceutical company requires an individual to qualify before they can get assistance on purchasing a brand name drug. Why? because funds are limited and they need to husband their resources accordingly.
We are $17 trillion in the hole. I think that qualifies as limited resources for the federal government. America was never founded as a welfare state. too many people see the government as their means of livelihood. that was never the founder's intention. Entitlement reform would mean that a person who is temporarily down on their luck would need to show proof of trying to find employment, no felony record etc. Obviously a type 1 diabetic on dialysis qualifies for assistance on a more permanent basis. along the same lines, I might add, I do wonder how much funding is needed by the department of defense for an updated version of the Palidan artillery system.
Why would D's raise the taxes on teh people who just got them into the club?
This should have been evident after 08 and the Bush extensions.
You can not expect a group that just accepted a billion dollars in donations, and around 20 million from the banks for their convention, to do that. Honestly, its not even fair to expect it of em.
Oh I know all about that freak. The last thing the people here want is a freakin hedge fund dumping 1billion into the housing market. They are realy screwing over a lot of very small house flippers too. Heard a lot about them.
This is what we are ending up with too big to fail. I cant wait until apartment complexes all say Walmart and theres a Mcdonals in the courtyard!!
Well, they seem to have a date fixed.
Didn't the D's just increase by 4.5% (woefully inadequate) the highest rate on those rich people you claim got them in office?
And aren't the D's asking for closing the loopholes for the rich, and adding a transaction tax?
Pick up a newspaper or do a search.
Why don't you support Occupy tampa student protests.
Key words being "woefully"....and then loopholes. Raising it does nothing when compared to 75k pages in loopholes. We have been through this before. People thinking that is an accomplishment is what the main goal of that little trick was.
And nice assumption at the end. I handt heard anything about it, but looks like they are motivated to change it.
So when they do nothing (Like the R's) they are doing the bidding frthe rich.
When they make some small progress they are doing as little as possible to shut us up.?
That's Bullshit.!!! Lift up every successful effort!! fight for more. Build on every small success.
The only reason we haven't gotten more is because the Repub puppets of the 1% are standing in the way.
Support every effort to raise the taxes on the Rich! Support every effort to raise the wages of the poor!! Which pols are doing that?
Identify the pols who are fighting for higher taxes on the rich!!!! And support them!! Agitate for more increases. Pressure all pols to close ALL loopholes for the rich!!
Also, Identify all pols who are against raising taxes on the wealthy! Identufy, denounce and retire them!!! Along with any pol who objects to raising the minimum wage!!
Identify, denounce, retire. Thats the only way to beat "the trick" you describe.
$250K is ok. The more important number is the top tax rate number.
I support a top tax rate of 90% for income over $1Million.
How about you?
In the last few years the top 1% have captured 93% ofthe wealth created. So their taxes can by at least that high.
Seems fair.
And get rid of the loopholes, shelters, shell companies, forthe wealthy.
WSJ. I just added the link I forgot to add earlier.
Just read the article. That really chaps my as . It has to be because of the market rebound which means it must be in a bubble. Guess Ill take my meager sum and go short and try to get mine on the down side.
Markets gotta come down from this phony clim. But I don't know anything about market predictions.
Not necessary. Just a little fairness for the sake of our childrens future. and the future of democracy for ALL.
The greed of the 1% is putting everything at risk..
Along with 76k pages of loopholes, they will pay around 5% as usual.
After you finish counting pages here is the plan:
Support every effort to raise the taxes on the Rich! Support every effort to raise the wages of the poor!! Which pols are doing that?
Identify the pols who are fighting for higher taxes on the rich!!!! And support them!! Agitate for more increases. Pressure all pols to close ALL loopholes for the rich!!
Also, Identify all pols who are against raising taxes on the wealthy! Identufy, denounce and retire them!!! Along with any pol who objects to raising the minimum wage!!
Identify, denounce, retire. Thats the only way to beat "the trick" you describe.
Get with the plan. When we're soen you can recount the pages. LMFAO!!!
"75K pages, yeah, gotta go to walmart, can't miss Wopner. 75k pages"
what is the top income tax rate today?
what was the top income tax rate a year ago?
The Ds did not raise the rate - it was the Rs - obviously
Great infographic on the unfair bidget proposal.
Raising the rate with 76k pages of loopholes is meaningless. Its just feel good legislation. Not trying to be rude, but it was a decent sized raise, and it brought in an extra 70billion, maybe, in a 3T budget.
If every 4.5% brings in 70b, then a 40% raise will bring in 700b. That only brings us halfway there. No one is going to pay 70% in a global marketplace.
Now if they all said they had enough and left, I would be thrilled. But we would then have to make that amount up with the smaller people, and it would bury all of us.
No! the rich don't flee when taxes go up.
And this new Ryan budget cuts enefits for poor women & children.
It's immoral, unamerican,
Tax the rich goddamn it!
It's immoral to alance the budget on the backs of the elderly.
Time to get some of our money vack from the wealthy who crashed the world economy and created the worst unemployment crises in 70 years.
Tax the rich.
"It's the only way to be sure"