Forum Post: Beware or the Distractions
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 4:52 p.m. EST by RichardGates
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
There are people coming on here pretending to have your interest in mind but in fact they are trying to distract you. don't jump on any trains. you are the train.
RichardGates, good thread! I would propose that the train is our agreement because democracy depends on agreement for the greatest power. What is easiest and most meaningful to agree upon in these conditions? This logically becomes the issue. Can we borrow from something which is already and respected by many, so that our agreement is pre weighted towards success, encouraging unity within recognized concepts? How about "Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness?" AND, WhistleBlower is correct.
Actually, the issues themselves are being used as a distraction from the laws being violated. Focus on the laws and exactly how they are violated makes a demand with teeth that shows unconstitutional performance. Justifying an Article V convention.
Very Important Point! Trolls are sent to distract, disrupt and delay progress. Expect them, recognize them and refocus on your reasons for being here.
Yes, it is a good point. However, I suspect that the classic definition of troll is not going to remain the same. After we observe the exposure of "cognitive infiltration", most will be more properly and simply called "infiltrator". We, however, must become more sophisticated in order to do this. Learning about the officially implicated side of this,----- is important, and the main tools of infiltrations, distortions.----
you have the Ron Paul OWS ppl vs the Obama OWS people.
One side must give they stand opposed on how to solve the problems.
btw, if your the minority OWS person who believes in Anarchy or're just a lost cause.
I was wondering where the anything goes thread went