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Forum Post: Beware donkeys in sheep's clothing II

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 11:09 p.m. EST by OldCrow (22)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

….A number of Democratic politicians have weighed in with feigned sympathy for the anti-Wall Street protests in order to channel them behind the Democratic Party and President Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign. House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, appearing on ABC’s “This Week” program, commented cynically, “I support the message to the establishment, whether it’s Wall Street or the political establishment and the rest, that change has to happen… People are angry.” Pelosi supported the bailout of the banks, the wage-cutting restructuring of the auto industry and Obama’s cost-cutting health care “reform,” and is backing the White House’s proposals to slash hundreds of billions of dollars from Medicare and Medicaid and reduce taxes for corporations and the wealthy in the name of tax “reform.” The trade unions are working in tandem with the Democratic Party to bring the movement under control and prevent it from taking an independent and consciously anti-capitalist direction. (See “Occupy Wall Street and the Democratic Party”) The spreading protests are a genuine expression of mass popular discontent that is correctly targeting the banks and big business.




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[-] 1 points by AliWil84 (3) 13 years ago

True movements always have to worry about hijacking just as the beautiful grassroots movement of smaller government and ending the wars is now the republican tea party with free speech zones for those who are on the so called fringe. Truth is beautiful and is not right or left it's human, hopefully we can stay strong together no matter our differences to begin a social change that is very much needed.

[-] 1 points by AliWil84 (3) 13 years ago

True movements always have to worry about hijacking just as the beautiful grassroots movement of smaller government and ending the wars is now the republican tea party with free speech zones for those who are on the so called fringe. Truth is beautiful and is not right or left it's human, hopefully we can stay strong together no matter our differences to begin a social change that is very much needed.